All recent comments on applications from Fraser Coast Regional Council, QLD

58B Waterview Drive, Dundowran Beach, QLD
Impact Assessment - Material Change of Use - Undefined Use (Wedding Ceremony and Photographic Location Service)

Our objections for the development of a wedding and photographic service at 58B Waterview Drive, Dundowran Beach are as follows:-

1. When we bought our block we were under the impression it would be a quiet residential area.
2. There would be a marked increase in traffic flow, there is no other way to access this property except up Waterview Drive.
3. There would be an increase in traffic noise.
4. If the application was to be approved it would set a precedent for other businesses and therefore no longer be deemed a residential area.
5. There would be a decrease in property values in this area.

Graham and Patricia Garner
Sent to Fraser Coast Regional Council
58B Waterview Drive, Dundowran Beach, QLD
Impact Assessment - Material Change of Use - Undefined Use (Wedding Ceremony and Photographic Location Service)

Our objections to the development of 58B Waterview Drive are as follows:-

1. Ambiguous application - undefined use.

2..The area is residential not commercial.

3. Arkarra Gardens are in the same area, ideal for wedding photos.

4. The road to above property is unsealed thus causing a dusty environment.

5. Increased traffic flow in the road putting young children at risk.

6. With traffic flow comes increase in noise and road damage.

7. If this development is allowed, there are many vacant blocks, this will change our
whole environment deeming our blocks commercial.

Brian and Chris Price

Brian and Chris Price
Sent to Fraser Coast Regional Council
58B Waterview Drive, Dundowran Beach, QLD
Impact Assessment - Material Change of Use - Undefined Use (Wedding Ceremony and Photographic Location Service)

We would like to object to the application for a wedding ceremony and photographic service at 58B Waterview Drive, Dundowran Beach.

Our objections are ;-

-after scouring the whole Fraser coast area for 3 years we finally came across our home in Dundowran Beach and decided to purchase it as it was close enough to town if we needed any business, but far enough out that we were not adversely affected by these said business.

- In Dundowran Beach we do not have access to the sewer system, so they would have to install a fairly large septic system which will adversely affect us as neighbors due to the smell and hygiene issues as a result of a large number of people using that system.

-at times it can be difficult to get out onto he Pialba - Burrum Heads Road with the current traffic flow, we fear this will dramatically increase with the large number in traffic flow as a result of a new business in the area. which also increase the chances accidents.

-coming out of our street onto Waterview drive is already a dangerous blind spot, having a large number of cars travelling in either direction will make this even more difficult,

-the amount of wear and tear on a non commercial road from such a large number of vehicles travelling along it will dramatically effect this lovely area of the Fraser Coast

-Our area is a quite peaceful place to live and we will not be happy with an increase of noise in the area as a direct result of the amount of people that can be expected to attend weddings etc.

- our area is full of people who like to ride their bikes and regularly walk, we ourselves like to often take our small children riding, this can prove difficult when there is an increased amount of traffic along Waterview drive.

-the amount of dust that will generate from the gravel/dirt driveway located at 58B Waterview Drive, could lead to health issues due to the amount of cars that would indeed be travelling along this road on a regular basis.

-if this plan goes ahead, there is nothing stopping other businesses from following suit and developing their company out here, and in return we can no longer class our area as totally residential. this will dramatically drop the value of our homes.

Daniel and Melissa Garousse
Sent to Fraser Coast Regional Council
58B Waterview Drive, Dundowran Beach, QLD
Impact Assessment - Material Change of Use - Undefined Use (Wedding Ceremony and Photographic Location Service)

We would like to object to the application for a wedding ceremony and photographic service at 58B Waterview Drive, Dundowran Beach.

Our objections are ;-

*marked increase in traffic flow up and down Waterview Drive.

*noise increases from cars and wedding ceremony crowds.

*dust issues from dirt road access.

*parking and vehicle activity increases

*setting of a precedent - other business applications may then occur changing the nature of this residential zone.

*no guarantee that this application wont be extended to include wedding receptions.

*decreases in property values will certainly occur if this application is successful.

Steve and Kate Cavanagh
Sent to Fraser Coast Regional Council
0 / 0 Denmans Camp Road, Torquay, QLD
0 / 0 denmans camp road, torquay

This is already a very busy corner. We have another shopping centre including an early/late opening supermarket at the intersection of Bideford and Boat Harbour. I do not believe another strip shopping centre so close to the current one on Bideford is justified. We have shops closed all over Torquay. Let's fill those shops before we create new ones please. As it is, the centre on Bideford Street near the Esplanade is becoming deserted.

Kathi Dewsbery
Sent to Fraser Coast Regional Council
635 Esplanade, Hervey Bay, QLD
635 esplanade, hervey bay

To whom it may concern,
My name is Shane and i love to build things out of wood.
There is an old abandoned house at 635 esplanade, i was wondering if this house belongs to you, would it at all be possible to retrieve some of the wood from the house before it is pulled down and thrown away.
Building furniture out of recycled wood is much better for the environment and adds a lot more character.

Thank you for your time.

Shane O'Brien
Sent to Fraser Coast Regional Council