It will be very interesting to hear back from CGCC regarding what action /penalties apply in this case. There are regulations and rules that should be followed by all, those that do not comply with correct procedures should be held fully accountable,ignorance is not an excuse. The regulations are enshrined to protect the neighbour hood.
All recent comments on applications from Coffs Harbour City Council, NSW
I find it astonishing to discover how planning permission is carried out by CHCC.
In this case all the dwelling additions have already been carried out, right to the boundary, and after the event the owners seek permission.
Is that how it is done here?
The playground should have been designed with adequate parking in the immediate vicinity. As the area has become a community gathering area it would be an excellent compromise to allocate this block as a formed car park instead of having cars parked illegally with danger to children an adult’s alighting from badly parked vehicles.
This block is next for to the childrens play ground it should have been allocated as a car park for that facility as cars park on the corner of the road on the grass verge of peoples property along the street , making the corner congested and busy .
What is the maintenance plan for the advanced pine trees that overhang neighbouring properties? These trees are dangerous in severe storms and create a lot of debris. They also need to be attended by a tree lopper to remove any loose branches caught in tree branches.
Great idea, it is well needed.
I am unable to see what Woolworths has planned for this site, I would like more information please
We object to the opening hours of a cafe at 8.30 AM on the grounds of increased noise and disruption to our quality of life .
The nursery is currently operating outside their approved hours with machinery and people talking , starting often as early as 6.30 AM .
This is extremely detrimental to our health as we are woken every morning by loud banging and machinery and voices .
To have a cafe opening at 8.30 AM will dramatically increase the No of people on site and the intolerable noise and interrupt our quiet enjoyment of our property which is immediately adjoining the nursery .
We have been given no consideration in the development of this business and would ask council to now consider us and the environment we Live in .
Barbara and John wenman
CRN of Wakelands and Fairview roads , Saphire beach , Nsw
I cannot see where the attached letter wrt condition changes is??!
What are conditions 21 and 22?
Please advise.
Don Colley
Objection to DA proposal (0782/22DA) for 11A Seventeenth Ave., Sawtell:
Existing shed not to be approved and should be removed because:
does not have side setback,
no fireproof wall to my adjoining property,
shed turned to garage will create more traffic into Fifteenth Avenue past my lane frontage,
Seventeenth Avenue access available.
additional bedrooms have potential to increase traffic problem if lane access continues to be allowed when approved access is via Seventeenth Avenue.
how far from highlander drive is new proposed development located
I object to this application based on its impact on a recognised wildlife corridor, and its impact on koalas, now listed as endangered in NSW. Alternatives that preserve the relevant vegetation and significantly reduce, if not eliminate, impact on wildlife, especially koalas, should be pursued instead. If there are none, this should not proceed at all.
I strongly object to this development application. The status of koalas has just changed from threatened to endangered and therefore all Koala habitat and corridors MUST be protected to ensure their survival.
I'm concerned that the crown land belonging to us, the people of the state, has been transferred to a property developer. I would like to know the details of this transaction to either rule out or expose corruption. Why was the public not given the option to stop the transfer of this land?
I object to this development. Koalas are now an endangered species in NSW. Granting permission is not an option, no matter how many financial benefits have been promised.
I object to this. This is on my road. Beautiful koala trees have already been bulldozed. This is a nature corridor.
However I doubt you will do anything as you allow for illegal developments any way.
Dear Coffs Council General Manager, Planning staff and Councilors,
I would like to thank David Wood’s comment attached. I have the same concern and also added my concern. The bridle/ fire trail should remain crown land for public use.
“I have serious concerns with the impact of this DA on wildlife movement, particularly koalas, along the eastern boundary between the E2 zones of the Burgess Creek tributaries. If you look at the larger landscape, this corridor is critical for koalas moving between the forests to the south including Bongil Bongil NP and the escarpment forests to the north and must be protected and maintained.
While its importance to the identified resident koala population is acknowledged in DA documents - both the SEE and BDAR, there is no visible Vegetation Management Plan, and given the current corridor which includes tall flooded gum and other native species will be divided into smaller fenced lots with no restriction on cats or dogs, long term survival and movement of wildlife including koala will be negatively impacted.
How this common area of crown land has been transferred to the Landholder and impacts on local access between Crossmaglen Road and Bakker Drive also needs to be investigated.” The bridle trail and other horse riding areas should be maintained for all of us to enjoy. I and other locals have no parks or public places in Bonville and Crossmaglen and as rate payers I believe this needs to be addressed.
I am a resident of Crossmaglen valley and I strongly object to this DA. While acknowledging that there are previous approvals for this particular development and site, it would seem that there are several variations that have been progressively increasing the scope of the development ‘by stealth’. The matter of transferring Crown land is of particular concern and should be investigated.
This proposal will undoubtedly have a negative effect on the existing koala population in this area. Currently available information confirms that our koala numbers are in decline, largely due to destruction of their habitat. Therefore, I suggest that we, as a community, have an obligation to support and maintain the koalas rather that add to their demise.
I object to this development application, as I believe this is an important koala corridor where there is an identified breeding population.
As a resident of Crossmaglen I object strongly to this DA. I believe it will negatively impact on an important koala corridor in an area where there is an identified breeding population.
I am very concerned that the population of breeding koalas in that area will be threatened if the tall flooded gums and other native species are removed.
It not only impacts the koalas but all native wildlife that use that habitat.
I would like to see an investigation into how this crown land has been transferred.
I am concerned about overdevelopment of this beautiful area and losing its unique natural beauty forever .
To Coffs Council General Manager, Planning staff and Councillors
I was horrified to see those majestic trees chopped down last week. I too oppose this development and agree with all the opinions expressed above but I would also like to know if this tree felling was in fact legal. Please confirm if this developer had full legal authority to remove all these trees. I look forward to your response regarding our concerns. Thankyou
I object to this planning development application on the grounds that it may negatively impact on the koala habitat and in fact the whole Ecco system that this sensitive area is such an integral part of.
We are all part of the one system; that is the majestic natural system and we should tread carefully to ensure our actions enhance the whole, rather than threaten or weaken the whole or individual aspects that are within.
Has the impact of the NBV Manufactured Homes Estate been factored into the Coffs Bypass Highway construction. Especially wrt storm water drainage and traffic flow along North Boambee Road during the bypass/bridge construction and operation and the estate construction and operation.
I question the need to include this parcel of of crown land in the development as currently proposed.
It is obvious it provides an essential corridor for wildlife and in particular for the koala population.
Additionally it provides connectivity and amenity for the human population in this area.
The benefit to this community of maintaining the crown land corridor far out ways any one off short term profit to be made by the developer.
The long term health and well-being of our communities rests in our ability to live with and alongside the natural world.
As a young city Coffs Harbour has an opportunity to learn from previous mistakes and to create a human habitat envied by many.
In so doing we reap the benefits of a healthy well adjusted population the maintenance of our beautiful environment and wildlife along with the bonus everyone is looking for….the value of our assets is driven upward.
I ask CHCC to take this opportunity to set a precedent as we move forward by maintaining this crown land as a critical asset for wildlife and citizens into the future.
I oppose the new development on Crossmaglen road due to the likely impact on Koala colonies.
There are active Koala populations in this area and this particular habitat fragment is essential and provides connectivity to Bongil Bongil NP.