Is this going to be able to be accessed Better by car ?
All recent comments on applications from Casey City Council, VIC
Is this going to be able to be accessed Better by car ?
Is this going to be able to be accessed Better by car ?
I strongly object to this development application. Residents purchase in this area due to the low density overlay.
This is a residential block backing onto a National Park and is not fit for purpose other than residential. A Place of Assembly will increase the traffic flow and parking to an unacceptable level.
The planning permit refers to up to 150 people attending. There is no public transport to this location. Where will they all park? Up and down Churchill Park Drive where there are no designated parking areas? This is a very dangerous road which is already significantly overused. There was a head on car crash fatality not 300 meters from this site with regular car crashes in the same area due to speed, bad weather and kangaroos crossing the road.
This road was not designed for the amount of traffic it already has daily and is currently the topic of speed reductions to reduce accidents and the amount of traffic on it.
This is also an area where the local wildlife from the National Park including kangaroos cross and having it filled with building and parking will push the wildlife to cross in another area which could increase traffic accidents.
This site is also next to a very high bushfire prone area. The estate has been blocked/locked in before, with only Church Park Drv as the entry and exit point. This will increase the risk exponentially to local residents if there was a bushfire by adding a further 100 plus cars to a traffic jam and could be catastrophic in a major bush fire.
Strongly object to this application.
residents purchase in this area due to the low density overlay.
This is a residential block backing onto a National Park and is not fit for purpose other than residential. A Place of Assembly will increase the traffic flow and parking to an unacceptable level.
The planning permit refers to up to 150 people attending. There is no public transport to this location. Where will they all park? Up and down Churchill Park Drive where there are no designated parking areas? This is a very dangerous road which is already significantly overused. There was a head on car crash fatality not 300 meters from this site with regular car crashes in the same area due to speed, bad weather and kangaroos crossing the road. This road was not designed for the amount of traffic it already has daily and is currently the topic of speed reductions to reduce accidents and the amount of traffic on it.
This is also an area where the local wildlife from the National Park including kangaroos cross and having it filled with building and parking will push the wildlife to cross in another area which could increase traffic accidents.
This site is also next to a very high bushfire prone area. The estate has been blocked/locked in before, with only Church Park Drv as the entry and exit point. This increase the risk exponentially to local residents if there was a bushfire by adding a further 100 plus cars to a traffic jam and could be catastrophic in a major bush fire.
This address is 206 metres from residential houses and the EPA guidelines (contacted and advised directly by EPA) say that a transfer station must be 250 metres from residential housing. The address is 186 metres from reserve land. How does the council allow these applications to proceed when they breach the EPA guidelines and clearly impact residents?
If not for the Planning Alert website residents would never be aware of applications which have a direct impact with residents of Casey as they never directly contact people or allow consultation.
This address is 206 metres from residential houses and the EPA guidelines (contacted and advised directly by EPA) say that a transfer station must be 250 metres from residential housing. The address is 186 metres from reserve land. How does the council allow these applications to proceed when they breach the EPA guidelines and clearly impact residents?
If not for the Planning Alert website residents would never be aware of applications which have a direct impact with residents of Casey as they never directly contact people or allow consultation.
Strongly object to this application.
The residents purchase in this area due to the low density overlay.
This is a residential block backing onto a National Park and is not fit for purpose other than residential. A Place of Assembly will increase the traffic flow and parking to an unacceptable level.
This is also an area where the local wildlife cross and having it filled with building and parking will push the wildlife to cross in another area which could increase traffic accidents.
This is also a bushfire prone area. The estate has been blocked/locked in before, with only Church Park Drv as the entry and exit point this increase the risk exponential to local residence if there was a bushfire
I agree with Karens points
Strongly object to this application on the basis of the following:
- risk for fire safety
- unacceptable/ unavoidable increase in traffic through a quiet residential neighbourhood (lack of public transport in the area)
- unacceptable/ unavoidable increase in traffic endangering abundant wildlife in the area, nearby national park
- Purpose of building is not aligned with residential area
- Proposed development does not 'fit in' with neighbourhood
- Residential noise: unacceptable anticipated noise disruption to a quiet residential area, particularly late night/ early morning services and through the use of facilities for ancillary purposes
- loss of privacy for nearby local residents
- scale of proposed place of worship (visual bulk of building) likely to be out of character with residential area including necessary parking amenities. This will impact on the outlook from neighbouring properties.
I disagree with the above plan because:
- it will increase in traffic through a quiet residential neighbourhood (lack of public transport in the area)
- it will cause Residential noise
- it would be dangerous to the already endangered Kangaroos in the area .
I strongly object to this, we are local residents and do not want an influx of cars, large crowds through a national park, already I see so many cars driving down, so many dead roos,. roadkill. This area is quiet and peaceful and residents do not want an influx of cars and crowds.
With the current economic environment and the demands put on house hold budgets, do we need more machines in Cranbourne. The gaming machines are targeted at people who can least afford to lose the money. I object to the introduction of more gaming devices in the area.
How can the Casey Council, even contemplate approving such an enormous complex.. Berwick village is so congested as it is and yet the council is allowing for plans to be presented. It’s NOT olde Berwick anymore!
If the trees are at the end of their life it’s understandable. For other reasons this should be reassessed as the green environment is what draws people like me to move into the older, established areas.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback.
As it’s on a hill the height shouldn’t be a problem however driveway steepness and the flood zone at the bottom would be. Please have this on title and enforce flooding zone as all residents pay the price for fixing problems when council accepts the change in flood zones.
The steep driveways make it very difficult for pedestrians to walk up and steps could be needed.
Please do not thus application go through We are loosing the inditity of old berwick. Which would loose the reason people want to live here
This area of olde Berwick, is currently congested with multi dwellings and traffic. Having an approval of a 10 lot subdivision will only INCREASE the problem we already have. We need to keep the overlay of the area, and not to add increasing multi dwelling housing.
I highly object to this development!
This property backs onto a green reserve. The native flora and fauna maybe impacted by an increase in housing, traffic.
Also the school traffic in the local area is already significantly heavy. Adding more housing in the area will need very careful management. It takes some time to get through the area at the moment.
This property backs onto a green reserve. The native flora and fauna maybe impacted by an increase in housing, traffic.
Also the school traffic in the local area is already significantly heavy. Adding more housing in the area will need very careful management. It takes some time to get through the area at the moment.
This property backs onto a green reserve. The native flora and fauna maybe impacted by an increase in housing, traffic.
Also the school traffic in the local area is already significantly heavy. Adding more housing in the area will need very careful management. It takes some time to get through the area at the moment.
It is a facility to control and monitor the local avian drones (aka "birds") that council and state governments use to monitor citizens. Casey council like many others these days are complicit in this program, that's why they won't tell you about this site. The last natural birds were killed in the 90s, these days they're all the drones. Look closely at a "bird" next time you can, you can clearly see that birds aren't real.
Just wondering was there, and if so, where were the planning permit notifications posted for what appears to be a mosque being built at 338-340 Pound Rd Narre Warren South?
Did check with the council a couple of years ago but no positive response received.
This construction has been going on for a few years. There are at least 2, possibly 3, two to three storey massive constuctions. All are being hidden from the publics view by polystyrene high facade.
What is the Casey Council hiding from the public?
The windows look into my bedroom and living area
This development appears to be at the rear of our property. Would appreciate information on the development so we can see if it may impact our property. I have noted significant excavation works in paddocks at the rear of our property, so interested to know if this is part of this submission.
Jim Buckley
Hi there,
My name s Dragan ,so as i m owner of 2/15 edinborough st.hallam.i would like to see plan of future development three dwellings if is possible. I wouldn't like it affects my privacy and pleasure of living and being there from 2003 .
Thank you
My regards