4 Delta Court Cranbourne VIC 3977
Development of a Second Dwelling and Alterations to an existing Dwelling
*The court we live in is very small, only 8 homes in total. We feel that this court is far too small to accommodate another residential dwelling. Especially the issues of parking spaces in the court, at times, can already be limited when residents need to move cars around or are expecting visitors.
*Then the issue of vehicles which could be in the way to inhibit any emergency vehicles from entering the court, if need be, in an emergency.
*And the court will be totally blocked during the time of the actual building, due to the various trucks for deliveries of building products and tradesmen’s vans and utilities, plus all the extra noise. This could easily be more than 6-8 months.
*Also, the property, itself, has a reasonably narrow driveway, which I would think would be hard for two separate dwellings to share on one property. This could also be a safety issue, especially if any small children resided there.
*As set by strict rules from the Council, we put all the bins out on the nature strip of no. 4. It may seem like a small thing but there wouldn’t be enough space to put out more bins, as there is also a fire hydrant on that nature strip.
My husband and have lived at 3 Delta Court, Cranbourne, for 38 years. And I personally have lived in this estate longer, as l previously lived in Delray Court for the previous 10 yrs. We bought and stayed in this estate, as it was a very safe and serine place to live, especially with limiting the amount of dwelling which could be built here, due to the whole estate being made up of just courts and no through road. We feel that if this sort of permit is passed through this time, it would open the door for many more to do the same.
But now with the prospect of having another residential dwelling being built in this very small court, it is going to change the environment and safe lifestyle for all the residents in the court, many of whom are being of an older age, including myself now 70 years old.
There will be far more traffic coming in and out of our small court. Please reconsider your decision and deny this application as such. It would be so much better for the new occupant to have an extension on the current dwelling, as mentioned on the application, as it is quite small. And they could also enjoy the space in their back yard, especially if they are a family with small children.
Also we were surprised to not receive any notification of the proposal and intention of a new dwelling and there was no advertisement of any sort displayed on the property with details. I found this very surprising?
Regards, Anna Hawking 0419 521 662
– So these are my Objections to Planning Permit Application Number PA 24-0115