Thank you for the notification and advise that I respectively wish to put in my objection to the sub division for 19 Binbeal Drouin.
This area has a number of acre plus blocks and could lead to other owners wishing to do the same.
We currently have a quiet court leading off Binbeal and with sub divisions given the go ahead, will result in higher traffic, a drop in valuations on the properties that do not wish for this to go ahead.
Nearly all properties in Kamanari are objecting and will be putting this into the council.
Cheryl Moorshead
All recent comments on applications from Baw Baw Shire Council, VIC
To the planner at Baw Baw Shire Council.
Dear planner Stiener .
I have noticed this alert for a planning permit for 159 Kooweerup Longwarry rd Longwarry 3816 advertising for a dwelling on this property , according to information via your department the advertising for this application closed on the 7th October 2022 , so why is it now out on Planning Alerts ONE day after closing date.
Just wondering is this because the original Planning Sign was obscured from the general public viewing , and the Application has been subject to readvertising .
As I have been away from home (I live on Sutton Street) I have been unable to comment on my concerns about this development, so I hope you will take them into account. In the future I would like an email, as preferable to a letter!
Any development that leads to an increase in parking along Sutton Street and surrounds is undesirable to residents. We are already at over capacity, with parking on bicycle lanes and both town and school buses using this very busy street. It is never quiet. Sometimes heavy trucks use it as the preferred town bypass.
Have I ready the map right? Is this development planned to be in a zoned residential area. Obviously to a resident it would be preferrable to keep residential zoning.
Good afternoon,
We put in an objection to this permit application on October 16th 2019. We have not yet heard back from you regarding the progress of our submission. It seems the owner has taken revenge on our objection to his application and now placed a large shipping container directly over the fence from our back verandah. Can you please advise on the progress of our objection to the plan for a warehouse(PLA0159/19 Development of a Storage Shed). Can you also please advise us on whether a permit was required for the shipping container? It appears the owner is making preparations to erect the warehouse, and yet we have not yet received any information regarding our objection. Should this permit have been approved, we will be taking the matter to VCAT, and hope to minimise costs to all concerned by dealing with the matter prior to any construction.
Kind regards,
Jackie Rutherford
This application was in 2016, the property was sold in 2017, so this did not go ahead? Now we are told there are 6 units going ahead at the site? We live next door and are concerned we were not informed of any works happening there? Last time we saw the owner he was going to rent the property. Can someone please advise us regarding proposed construction as this will effect us greatly, particularly concerning access to our own property, and property value. Thanks.
This is a great subdivision, not everyone has the ability nor want large allotments. I am living by myself and do not need nor want a large block. Having the security of neighbours around me would be beneficial as well. Can't wait for this to start.
How can it be of benefit to the community of drouin, that the council is paid to represent, to develop small size blocks. In no way is a development like this going to enhance the community. Drouin has a opportunity to be a amazing place for families to have room to thrive. Why this need to cram blocks in? Why not a minimum block size of 1000m2. There is plenty of land around, so there is absolutely no need to put small blocks in. Why does the council not have the foresight to see this. Who exactly do they represent? If they represent the community then this wouldn't happen. Surely they know that the majority if not all would want bigger allotments, which as everyone knows lead to healthier families. Why is there no long term community goals, council is not to run as a business looking for more money, but as a service to the community. Which as anyone that pays rates know, we pay a lot for this service.
I think this application is fabulous and should be given all the support available. It will decentralize medical services in Drouin, and is perfectly located in close proximity to the industrial estate where its services are surely needed. As for the traffic management, these problems could be solved by installing a suitably sized round-a bout at the intersection of Princes Way, Wellwood Road and the service road. Extending Roberts Road to Weerong Rd via Stony Creek would also be an advantage, by taking heavy vehicular traffic off the narrow service road.
I am rather concerned,particularly, if access is granted from Park View Road. it is a narrow road to begin with.
My other concern is when making a right turn from Montague into Park View. it is
An awkward bend, I think a few accidents have happened there already. it is narrow,and extra care needs to be given when passing another vehicle.
perhaps I am worrying unduly, and council is aware of the situation and access has only been granted from Lardner Road.
many thanks.