Most recent applications from ACT Planning & Land Authority, ACT
42 Scarlett Street, Melba, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR SHED - Constructions of a new shed, landscaping and associated works.
1 day ago
Waygoose Street, Percy Douglas Lane, Kingston, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR NEW DWELLING - Seeking approval to lapsed DA201833717, involving the construction of a two storey dwelling, attached garage, swimming pool, landscaping and associated works.
1 day ago
15 De Largie Place, Hughes, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - addition of new pergola roof over existing deck, four twelve metre high pole lights and associated works.
1 day ago
15 Lethbridge Street, Conder, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DWELLING ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - Partial demolition of the existing dwelling and concrete deck, alterations and additions including extension to existing dwelling, landscaping and associated works.
1 day ago
12 Hensman Street, Latham, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DUAL OCCUPANCY AND LEASE VARIATION - Demolition of existing carport, construction of new single storey dwelling in addition to existing dwelling with attached garage, driveway works, new carport, landscaping and associated works. Lease Variation to permit second dwelling.
5 days ago
68,70 Canberra Avenue Captain Cook Crescent, Griffith, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR NEW COMMUNITY FACILITY BUILDING - Demolition of the existing parish hall, and the construction of a new single storey hall, tree removal, landscaping and associated works.
5 days ago
56 La Perouse Street, Griffith, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR CARPORT - Seeking retrospective approval for an existing unapproved carport and associated works.
5 days ago
288 Soward Way, Greenway, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR LEASE VARIATION - To remove the land use of "community use limited to childcare centre" from the Crown Lease.
5 days ago
33 Lind Close, Fraser, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR SUBDIVISION - Subdivision of the existing block into two separate blocks.
5 days ago
26 Vogelsang Place, Flynn, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR A DUAL OCCUPANCY AND LEASE VARIATION - Construction of a new dwelling to form a dual occupancy, new carport, driveway, tree removal, landscaping and associated works. LEASE VARIATION to specify two (2) dwellings on the block.
5 days ago
Unit 352 - 45 Ainslie Avenue, Braddon, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT - Partial demolitions of existing tenancy to level 1, additions to level 1 including 10 new tenancies, services and amenities, external balconies and associated works.
5 days ago
31 Copper Close, Beard, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR WAREHOUSE - Construction of a new 5-unit warehouse with mezzanine floors, ancillary offices, landscaping and associated works.
5 days ago
130 Learmonth Drive, Kambah, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DWELLING ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - Partial demolition to existing dwelling, new single storey extension, deck, roof replacement, front door alterations and associated works.
7 days ago
151 Lambrigg Street, Farrer, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DWELLING ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - Alterations and additions to existing dwelling including interior alterations, extension to the front of the existing dwelling, tree removal, additional parking and storage, and associated works.
7 days ago
31 Dyett Circuit, Theodore, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR SECONDARY RESIDENCE AND LEASE VARIATION - Demolition of existing pavement, construction of a new single-storey secondary residence, uncovered parking space, deck, and associated works. Lease Variation to permit a secondary residence.
9 days ago
Bob Whan Street, Lemon Street, Strathnairn, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR NEW DWELLING - Construction of a single storey dwelling with attached garage, landscaping and associated works.
9 days ago
Heffernan Street, Brookes Street, Mitchell, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR LEASE VARIATION - Change to purpose clause to specify a maximum of 11 commercial units for the purpose of unit titling.
9 days ago
15 Stenhouse Close, Evatt, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR SHED - Construction of a new shed, landscaping and associated works.
9 days ago
15 Godfrey Street, Campbell, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR POOL FENCE - Construction of a new pool fence and associated works.
9 days ago
Cohen Street, Josephson Street, Belconnen, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR SIGNAGE - Construction of a new pylon illuminated sign to replace the existing pylon sign and associated works.
9 days ago
Banks Street, Hooker Street, Yarralumla, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DUAL OCCUPANCY AND LEASE VARIATION - demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of 2 two storey dwellings, basement parking, swimming pool, new driveways/verge crossings, tree removal, landscaping and associated works. Lease Variation to subdivide the block into two separate blocks.
12 days ago
8 Ossa Place, Lyons, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DUAL OCCUPANCY AND LEASE VARIATION - Demolition of existing dwelling, garage, retaining walls and tree removal, and construction of new two storey dual occupancy dwellings, driveways, alfrescos, landscaping and associated works. LEASE VARIATION to specify two dwellings.
12 days ago
57 Bosworth Circuit, Kambah, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR SECONDARY RESIDENCE AND LEASE VARIATION - Construction of a new single storey secondary residence, garage, alfresco, driveway, and associated works. Lease Variation to permit a secondary residence on the block.
12 days ago
24 Stockdale Street, Dickson, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DUAL OCCUPANCY AND LEASE VARIATION - Demolition of the existing dwelling with tree removal, construction of 2 new two storey dwellings with attached garages, driveway works, landscaping and associated works. Lease Variation to permit two dwellings.
12 days ago
Unit 26,27,34 & 42 King Street, Denison Street, Deakin, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR LEASE VARIATION - To alter the Units Plan to add health facility as a permissible use for unit 26,27, 34 and 42.
12 days ago
69,71 Lowanna Street, Braddon, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR FOUR TOWN HOUSES AND LEASE VARIATION - demolition of existing duplex and tree removal, construction of two three storey town houses and two two-storey town houses with attached basement car-parking, driveway works, landscaping and associated works. Lease Variation to specify maximum of 4 dwellings and consolidate Block 7 and 8.
12 days ago
5, 7 Torrens Street, Braddon, ACT
NOTIFICATION DESCRIPTION UPDATED - PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR LEASE VARIATION - To consolidate blocks 8 and 11 (block consolidation) and remove the clauses 3(b) - GFA, 3(c) - Storey Height and 3(d) - Carparking.
12 days ago
Ellenborough Street, Cordelia Court, Warrego Circu, Kaleen, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR MULTI-UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND LEASE VARIATION - Construction of 11 townhouses, 72 apartments, attached garages, car park, community centre, landscaping, waste management areas, offsite works, tree removal, landscaping and associated works. Lease Variation to amend clause to allow a total of 103 units.
15 days ago
33 Isa Street, Fyshwick, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR SIGNAGE - Installation of new non-illuminated 3D signage and associated works.
15 days ago
6 Wyatt Street, Torrens, ACT
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR SHED AND PATIO - construction of a new shed, patio, retaining wall and associated works.
16 days ago