Please ensure there is 'no increase' in height of the roof and maintain a
'flat roof' (which would theoretically keep neighboring water views the same). Or if a converted to a 'triangle/pitched roof' the apex of top of the roof is maintained at the current height (which would theoretically increase neighboring water views).
DA2018/0764 is 42 pages and too much information for a standard person to digest. What does the following mean on page '15 of 42' and '23 of 42'?:
- Wall Height; Requirement 'West: 7.5m (based on gradient 1:6)'; Proposed '8m'
A layman would interpret that the height of 98 Cutler Street would increase by 50cm, which would impact neighboring views. But then it also notes East Wall to be 6.7m (decreasing from 7m). All this information is a bit too much, but keeping the same height of the roof would be great. Thanks.