31 Warriewood Road Warriewood NSW 2102

New - Residential Flat Building
Planning Authority
Northern Beaches Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 7 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
9 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Northern Beaches Council. Add your own comment.

We have such poor road infrastructure where on earth is this traffic going to go? Pop in a house - not a bunch of flats. It’s already crowded in Warriewood now developers continue to leave us in a mess.

Stacey Mitchell
Sent to Northern Beaches Council

Too much pressure on infrastructure and changing the character of the suburb

Louise arminak
Sent to Northern Beaches Council

Our primary school, Narrabeen North Public School, has gone from approx 500 to over 700 students in three years, with more demountable classrooms each year. Where does it end? We can't get out of our driveway for all the traffic gridlock. Local roads are regularly congested & we're delayed by road closures for more building works. We bought into a quiet suburb that is rapidly becoming high rise, urban & congested.

Helen Rollinson
Sent to Northern Beaches Council

This area can not accommodate more development such as this. Our roads are so congested and the ongoing and ever-changing temporary traffic conditions cause major delays.
Mona Vale and North Narrabeen Public schools are over crowded.

This area used to be so lovely with paddocks, horses and wildlife. Now its a sea of roof tiles. An Apartment block in this part will further stymie the aesthetic of the area.

Fiona b
Sent to Northern Beaches Council

This is pure greed. A cynical exercise to see how many dwellings we can possible fit in the one space and get away with it. There are no other flats on Warriewood rd including the development next door highlighting how out of character this development would be.
What was allowed on Macpherson st was bad enough but the spread of this cancer needs to stop.

I understand the need/desire to develop this land however it should be sympathetic to its surrounds and suitable for the infrastructure. A block of flats in this location meets neither of these criteria.

Josh cooper
Sent to Northern Beaches Council

I agree with all the comments above. The Northern Beaches is a wonderful part of Sydney and there must be very careful thought and planning given to all future development. What is the end goal? Allow developers to enrich themselves with poor quality buildings that are unsuited to the area and negatively impact the existing residents? No. We must only allow for thoughtful, positive development which facilitates growth while being in keeping with the area's character, infrastructure and community. As a Council you have a responsibility to show restraint, wisdom and a vision for the future. People are at the end of their tether with government at all levels. You will be judged on your decisions and will pay a price if you get it wrong. Do what is right and let all stakeholders accrue the benefits.

Tim B
Sent to Northern Beaches Council

I also agree with all the aforementioned comments.
In addition, there is insufficient space on the narrow road for visitor parking. The extra congestion due to extra time required for waste collection will be be a menace to an already very busy road in the early mornings.

There is insufficient local public transport. The 12 minute walk to the B1 bus will be too much for most, particularly on rainy days, and the B1 car park will not be able to accommodate the increased demand.

This development is too large for the area.
This development sets a precedent which will be detrimental to the ambience of the area.

There have been a lot of improvements to infrastructure on Macpherson Street and Warriewood roads at rate payers expense. One wonders whether this was also to accomodate large development activities such as this one at 29-31 Warriewood Road. The rate payers do not want extra congestion in this area.

Hilary Green
Sent to Northern Beaches Council

I am fine with progress and agree that we need more dwellings in this ever expanding city, but this needs to managed in parallel with appropriate infrastructure. This is not happening in Warriewood, resulting in a local traffic and commuter traffic nightmare. High density developments such as this one will only compound the problem. When are NB council going to address this issue? (a couple of yellow buses on existing bus lanes isn't the solution!)

Scott Fryer
Sent to Northern Beaches Council

Has the council given enough thought and planning into the access roads into this NEW Unit proposal.
There are 27 units being built, with a total of 67 car parking spots. Someone in their wisdom has decided ther will only be “ 6 “ cars from this unit block using the roads in peak hour on Monday to Friday, which I think is absurd, just a juggling of numbers to get this passed through council.
The development ajoining, namely 41 Warriewood has now completed its roads namly. Bubalo and a section of Lorrikeet, Why has number 31 not been made to have its own road through its development site and not a TEMPORARY road as is now appearing on the plan

Vivian Power
Sent to Northern Beaches Council

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