187-203 Peats Ferry Road & 2-6 Dural Street, Hornsby NSW 2077

Demolition and Construction of Shop top housing comprising 249 units
Planning Authority
NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels
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Reference number
2018SNH014 DA
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 6 years ago. The date it was received by them was not recorded.
6 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels. Add your own comment.

the proposed development will be visually and aesthetically detrimental to the area, especially to the heritage aspect of the area

Sent to NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels

How ridiculous is this. Inappropriate to the surrounding area and only of benefit to the developer. Say NO.

Sent to NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels

No point complaining about this. It will get through just like all the other OVERdevelopments. That road is crazy busy all the time, dropping off my daughter at Hornsby station is a nightmare, but oh well, let's overcrowd the area with more tacky, cheaply built eyesores that will blight the landscape forever more. After all developers need to fund their lifestyles, stuff the residents.

Sent to NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels

We need development that considers options other than high rise towers. It seems that there is an all or nothing approach to the west side of Hornsby as land owners who are also developers have the right to do as they please. Planning panels should really be looking at many options for the area instead of simply waiting for some developer to come up with something - invariably a profit driven high rise development that takes advantage of the rezoning that they themselves have had a hand in influencing.

Developers do not have the best interests of the community at heart. It is the profit motive that drives them, so it is up to planning panels to look at what is best for the community regardless of any justifications put forward by developers. And just because a precinct is zoned for high rise does not mean that high rise is the answer. This is the strategic approach taken by developer lobbyists and needs to be curtailed.

This development is not in keeping with the character of the area; is not a creatively thought through option; it is not in keeping with the heritage of the area; and will be the thin edge of the wedge for Hornsby - this developer has already bought up large parcels of land on the east side - ready to concrete over and build skywards and has far too much influence on planning and rezoning decisions in the Hornsby shire.

Fenella Walter
Sent to NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels

(There appears to be 2 DAs for this particular site, so I am repeating my comments also made on the other DA) I object to this development on the following grounds:-

* Does not reflect community attitudes as to how the Westside should be developed - past community consultation indicated the community wants the westside to avoid the high rise nature of the east side with preference to lowrise community orientated spaces and development

*Heritage - simply retaining a small facade of 2 buildings and relocating the preschool building within the site is considered in the DA docs as "a modern interpretation" of the heritage streetscape - all I see is basically surrounding the 2 heritage small sections of the development facade as surrounded by modernistic buildings - with no real connection

* Out of character - 2 towers (13 & 21 storeys) is totally inappropriate size and scale for that precinct - the top heavy nature of the building design (where the higher floors of the 21 storey tower have a bigger floorplate size than the street level) makes it look totally unappealing visually

* Traffic congestion - ask any Hornsby resident and they will tell you that traffic is becoming a nightmare in the area. The traffic report in the DA docs also indicates that many areas within Hornsby have been identified as being at close to capacity at peak times. This will only make it worse. There is the common developer/council line that people should use public transport more. Sure, if your destination is within the current public transport infrastructure and you are not tied to getting kids to/from school etc - it is unreasonable to expect everyone to get everywhere by public transport. Improve commuter infrastructure first please.

* Pressures on schools, childcare etc - although the DA hints at inclusion of a day care facility - the shire is already at breaking point with schools etc - this needs to be addressed before adding more people to the area.

*Construction management - I am already living with the nightmare of construction next to me (old Centrelink site) - I pity the poor residents and existing local business owners coping with the trucks/noise/dust and disruptions that occur - to date all complaints to Council regarding works outside DA conditions have not resulted in any action/fines being taken against developers. Residents always lose out.

*Environmental impact - We all have heard the "bushland shire" being spoken of, but we are quickly losing the sense of the bush when monstrous building developments like these are springing up everywhere - the landscaping reports attached to the DA show little (if any) streetside landscaping - with references to rooftop gardens and central podium areas only getting a superficial treatment of plantings. As they talk in the reports of the development being at the gateway to Hornsby, it is sad that there is no greenery in sight.

Please do not allow this development to be approved.

Kathy Wallace
Sent to NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels

DEAR NSW Joint Regional Planning Panel,

Hornsby Shire has already exceeded!!! approvals of new dwellings the set State housing quota and any further dwelling approval is detrimental to the existing service and infrastructure already unable to cope with the influx.

The damage development has already done to the area and the roads and traffic is irreparable and has ruined the surrounding landscapes of Waitara and Asquith, no longer the Bush Shire surrounded by wind tunnels (evident in the Tornado! Hornsby expericned a couple of years back) and with no tree canopy left in Waitara.

The West side of Hornsby needs to be left alone, and the Heritage retained, residence live on this side for its low rise and bush beauty. Did the Mayor not promise to return Hornsby to the bushland shire? I am yet to see any evidence of this in planning decisions.

Any further development on the Westside would be pure greed by Council, State and developers and it is time to stand by election promises and say enough is enough.

Keep the West Side low rise and bushy and retain heritage of the area.

Mr Li
Sent to NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels

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