Estcourt House 175-177 Military Road Tennyson SA 5022

Demolition of state heritage building (Estcourt House)
Planning Authority
City of Charles Sturt
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 7 years ago. The date it was received by them was not recorded.
4 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to City of Charles Sturt. Add your own comment.

I'm objecting to the proposed demolition of Estcourt House.
Estcourt House might be old but it's been beautifully and tastefully restored and even today has connections with living generations such as my own. This historic, significant and rare grand mansion was built by a great benefactor to the Port Adelaide area, Frederick Estcourt Bucknall, who was married to my great-grandfather's sister, Rosa Catchlove.

The City of Charles Sturt desperately needs authentic, unique heritage properties like Estcourt House, which is probably Adelaide's most iconic and uniquely located structure west of the city. Furthermore it has unique historical links in that Frederick Estcourt Bucknall can appropriately be identified as the Founder of West Lakes, given that his vision at the time embraced all that West Lakes boasts today. His desire to link the upper reaches of the Port River to the Gulf via a canal alongside Estcourt House was far-sighted and brilliant. The great good fortune that Estcourt House remains today as a memorial to the West Lakes concept and history is nothing short of miraculous.

The original Estcourt House estate has already been significantly compromised by extensive subdivisions to the east and north, both of which have detracted from the character and setting of this beautifully sited treasure. The demolition of the remaining grand mansion would be a catastrophic loss to the state and nation when so many alternative options for its future use intact are yet to be explored. Heritage MUST start to mean the INALIENABLE right of retention of such properties with applications for their demolition being rejected at first sight.

Again, I vehemently object to this proposal and ask that all thoughts of demolition be rejected once and for all.

Thank you for your interest.
Jeff Catchlove

Jeff Catchlove
Sent to City of Charles Sturt

I am objecting to the demolition of Estcourt House.
Fredrick Estcourt Bucknell was my step Great Grandfather who married my Great Grandmother Rosa Haussen (Catchlove) after my Great Grandfather Henry H. Haussen died. My Grandmother Ada Begg (Haussen) also lived in Estcourt House so two generations of my family have lived in this wonderful mansion. As I spent many hours visiting it with my Grandmother and absorbing her stories when she was young and later when she was a mature women in Estcourt House. As a consequence I feel I know more of the history of Estcourt House than most people in South Australia. I can say with conviction that if my Grandmother and Great Grandmother were alive today they would be horrified at the thought of their happy home being demolished. So on their behalf and that of my family I wish to again say please stop the senseless demolition of this wonderful historic mansion.

Yours sincerely,

Richard A. Begg

Richard A. Begg
Sent to City of Charles Sturt

Are you kidding,heritage listed means it has to be protected is it charles sturt, whos just an extra arm of this pathetic,corrupt labor government, who has final decision here,if you decide to demolish,watch your back,not only will you be dead politically,id say you all have targets on your backs right now,your own stupid party will get rid of you

Greg Fitzgerald
Sent to City of Charles Sturt

Why oh why has this heritage listed building , originally a magnificent family home , been continually threatened with demolition ?

Why do we in Australia sacrifice and waste beautiful old buildings with so many memories , some albeit , not too pleasant for some . The concept of care by the seaside was well intended.

Have there been offers to manage it as a holiday accommodation , hotel , boarding house or dare I suggest a properly managed and supervised " home " for some of our many homeless .

I really hope I receive some information back on this , please.

Please don't we Adelaide can't afford it .
Have a look at the Hotel NRAH , soon to be joined by the NWCH !!!

Please respond , Thank you , MH Keen .

Mary Keen.
Sent to City of Charles Sturt

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