6 Wilton Drive East Maitland 2323 NSW

SEPP Seniors Housing
Planning Authority
Maitland City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 7 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
1 comment made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Maitland City Council. Add your own comment.

this is a gateway to East Maitland and any removal of trees will make Maitland look more barren than what it already is. Maitlands founding fathers cleared the land for their agriculture and mining pursuits and nothing has changed. even the roundabout requests that i have made in Wilton drive for some simple landscape improvement have fallen on deaf ears. apparently dead weedy grass is ok ?

The Councillors here dont respond to emails except at election time with they remark - what email ? Councils Motto is "we can do it ! " that was ten years ago. what can you do Council hmmm put a manufactured home estate and a nursing home up against a tip ? how pleasant ...... Wait for the methane to come up and the wind to blow !

It takes ten minutes to get out of Wilton drive some mornings ? wheres the traffic study ? I havent seen anyone monitoring the traffic count ? have they done this ? or on what basis have they done it ?

The land isnt flat and not good for seniors housing ! check Senior Living SEPP ! they will fall over and roll down the hill, break hips etc

wheres the landscape plan ? how have they treated the buffer to mt vincent road ?

john may
Sent to Maitland City Council

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