I strongly object to the way this development is being handled. I am extremely disappointed at the way this has been dealt with and the complete disregard for the local community's views, not to mention the advice given by the independent report. This will be the key factor in my voting decision in the September council elections.
Specifically in regards to the height of the development, it appears that consideration has only been given to the change as seen from Longueville Road, not for those of us neighbours who are directly impacted by the height as we are down near the bottom of Richardson Street west. We chose this street because of the leafy outlook, not to look at concrete buildings. Seven stories is far too high and I cannot give my consent to this towering monstrosity.
I would be accepting of this if it were more in keeping with the area, i.e, no more than 4 stories high.
266 Longueville Rd, Lane Cove
- Description
- Construction of new Seniors Housing Development
- Planning Authority
Lane Cove Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 7 years ago. The date it was received by them was not recorded.
- 7 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Lane Cove Council. Add your own comment.
Is this proposal ready for consideration? Some documents are in Draft!!!. e.g. the Arboriculture Impact Statement.. Should we waste time reviewing this??
Just another example of serious overdevelopment. Where are the extra buses? We already have way too many blocks of units crowding out natural light. Why do we have to loose more bushland in Lane Cove? It's a great pity that decision makers in both state and local governments are not more accountable. They are leaving a woeful legacy for future generations.
This is totally unacceptable. Community land has been rezoned, and a massive overdevelopment is being built in its place. Currently in lane cove there is already a great deal of high density development with no new green spaces for all these new residence. Green spaces are important because they provide recreational places. Indeed, the independent public hearing commission jetted the proposal, but the liberal councillors over road it. I hope you are all voted out for this.
This is totally unacceptable. Community land has been rezoned, and a massive overdevelopment is being built in its place. Currently in lane cove there is already a great deal of high density development with no new green spaces for all these new residence. Green spaces are important because they provide recreational places. Indeed, the independent public hearing commission jetted the proposal, but the liberal councillors over road it. I hope you are all voted out for this.
There is too much of this privatisation of community purposes and parkland on the basis that a ' service' is to be provided. This is a trend that must be stopped by legislation from Finite land is been alienated for greed and profit. No doubt this land is cheaper to obtain simply because it is not zoned commercial. Public land should be used only for purposes. There is no process to turn commercial zones into public ones. It is exploitation all the way, and the public are suffering.
'Commercial' is 'commercial.' These actions are not sustainable planning.
Ban the use of community purposes, recreational land, and open spaces for commercial use.
AND HANDS OFF THE FORESHORES AND NATURE RESERVES. It is too easy for developers to take advantage when we cannot trust the government to look after the public.
13 days is not a long enough period to allow comment when developers are making a killing. The commenting time for the public should be extended to 28 days.
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, a quick update on the above matter.
On the 11th July 2018, the Sydney North planning panel (SNPP) decided to defer the decision on 266 Longueville rd, giving the applicant 6 weeks (until the 24th of August) to submit updated plans. In an extraordinary manner, they have now extended the date by 7 months to the 29th of March 2019 (9 months in total), a week after the next NSW state elections. The SNPP notification is published on their website.
The bad news is that, this may well signal an intention to approve the proposal while minimising political impact to the minister of planning, state representative for Lane Cove. A similar approach was taken in stage 1 when re-zoning this land from “Public Recreational” to “High Density Residential” where the approval announcement was not made until after the last State elections.
The good news is that, there will be an election where the public can express their view. Local Democracy Matters!