As Principal of Gladesville Public School I am very concerned about the traffic and pedestrian management around this site during demolition and building. With a one-way loop around the car park already in operation, several other equally big developments within 100m of this one, what measures are in place to ensure the safety of my students and parents, and those of Christchurch Pre-school that is situated in the middle? It is already chaotic at drop off and pick up times in this area. We will now have to contend with hundreds of trucks using this route and possibly using Linsley St adjacent to the school as a quick way of getting back onto Victoria Road. I would like to see details of the proposed traffic and pedestrian management plans for this development prior to it being approved.
6-8 Western Crescent, Gladesville
- Description
- Mixed use Development (Integrated Development)
- Planning Authority
NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels
- Reference number
2016SYE042 DA
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 9 years ago. The date it was received by them was not recorded.
- 167 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 11 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels. Add your own comment.
I am extremely concerned about the safety of children and the management of traffic during the period this site is due for works to be undertaken. Having children at Gladesville Public School I know how busy pick-up and drop off times can be at present so adding in the sub-par traffic management plans that are typical of current developments in the area, a huge increase due to construction traffic, a lack of parking and the area will be not just busy but also dangerous. Community involvement and local school involvement in traffic and pedestrian management plans are essential before any approval of this development.
I have two children currently at Gladesville Public school, and this development causes me great concern. Having been a member of the RSL and used the Youth Centre, I am acutely aware of the traffic challenges in this block, and existing concerns around pedestrian safety. This proposal will escalate these concerns.
The proposed building on this site in entirely out of character with the Gladesville commercial precinct, and would be detrimental to the community. The building phase has the potential to entirely disrupt traffic flow on the southern side of Victoria Rd, serving as a key arterial for shops in the area, and also aiding with traffic to and from Morrison and Victoria Rds.
To date I am unaware of any plans to deal with the huge upscale in traffic in the area, which ultimately leads to concerns regarding pedestrian safety. Being aware that other developments in the area have failed to meet approval standards due to apparent neglect for consideration of traffic, I can only recommend that this proposal is also rejected unless there is a clear and transparent traffic management discussion, which involves consulting the community.
This week alone (week commencing 13/3/16) there have been 2 major traffic delays along Victoria Rd into the city, causing traffic gridlock beyond the Gladesville shopping precinct (continuing west of the Pittwater Rd intersection), and also backed up along Morrison Rd beyond the Ross St roundabout. Until these traffic issues are addressed, all future developments simply must be put on hold.
AS the parent of a child who attends Christchurch Preschool, I am greatly concerned about the impact this development will have on traffic and pedestrian safety in the area. Driving and parking in the area surrounding the RSL is already challenging due to narrow streets, congestion and a lack of parking. For these reasons I usually walk my child to school. However, I have recently altered my route as I no longer feel comfortable walking down Jordan St due to the major construction activity taking place. The addition of yet another building site in this small precinct will only exacerbate existing traffic problems and increase the risk to pedestrians.
I believe that this development should not proceed until the community and local schools have been meaningfully engaged in developing a traffic management/pedestrian safety plan.
Once again we find a large scale development being planned with insufficient traffic provisioning and planning. Each development whilst being considered in isolation will lead to an overall issue in this specific area of Gladesville leading up to Victoria Road. The council needs to commission an independent traffic assessment to identify suitable planning for the future of new inhabitants and those already residing here.
I don't think the community is against development, rather against poorly planned infrastructure to support the development as well as the lack of specific planning by developers to minimise disruption during development. Inhabitants live on suburban roads that are being used as through roads by large scale development traffic. This is dangerous with the amount of infants in this area.
Ongoing the volume of traffic will be an issue as well as parking. I would like to understand to whom the parking is to be made available? Is this providing sufficient parking to the new apartments being build i.e. at least 1 per apartment. Otherwise, if not, again there will be further parking issues running down surrounding streets.
I strongly support the proposed development at 6-8 Western Crescent Gladesville. The current building, Jordan Hall where the Gladesville RSL Youth Club conducts indoor activities for over 500 local children every year, is old and run down and is "bursting at the seams". It's a credit to the Gladesville RSL & Community Club that they have been able to maintain it at a usable level for so long, but it is really very sadly inadequate these days. The proposed project will deliver a much-needed modern, safe, purpose-built Youth Centre to serve the youth of Gladesville and surrounds well into the future, and should be supported by all those who care that the kids should have such a worthwhile facility. Income from the seniors’ residential units that are planned for the upper levels of the project will provide long-term financial sustainability for the new Youth Centre, easing the load for all stakeholders in the RSL Club and Youth Club. The project includes basement car parking for the RSL Club, Youth Centre, and residences. This will relieve the pressure on the Council car park next door and keep movements of these vehicles, most of which already use the local neighbourhood roads and Council car park to access the RSL Club and existing Youth Centre, away from the school and pre-school entrances. The only “new” vehicle movements resulting from the finished project will be those few that are linked to the seniors’ residences, a “drop in the ocean” in the bigger picture of new residences and increased vehicle movements in Gladesville. I understand that during demolition and construction, a responsible traffic management plan will be in place that will minimise the impact of these activities on the pedestrian amenity and safety of Gladesville during that time, so I don’t see that as being a significant problem. All in all, this proposed development will bring net benefit to the community on a number of levels, and I would hope that the whole community applauds the project!
I am a parent whose children previously attended Gladesville Public School.
I am also concerned about the traffic management during and after construction. Details of the traffic management plans during development should be made available for public comment and feedback.
As a general comment, planning should be returned to Council as the State government has FAILED to CONSULT RESIDENTS, provide sufficient TRAFFIC CAPACITY in Victoria Road (whilst approving NUMEROUS high-rise developments) and failed to provide SCHOOL CAPACITY.
Regarding Development Application 2016SYE042, I write in support of the intended use but with concern about the management of pedestrian and vehicular traffic - particularly during construction.
As other submissions identify, this area has been and will continue to be subject to a number of developments, running successively and may occur simultaneously unless prevented in the approval of the Development Application. The site is also close to Gladesville Public School and Christchurch pre-school, increasing pedestrian activity at peak times.
Gladesville, to date, has suffered from being split at the boundary between Ryde and Hunters Hill Municipalities, which has complicated development planning and leaves the community uncertain about how well the planning instruments integrate and pedestrian and vehicular movements interact.
I would look to the consent authority, the JRPP, to approve this development with consent conditions to help ensure pedestrian safety in the area - particularly during construction.
The development should not be approved as the cumulative impacts of all the developments approved or possible under the State Government planning policies and Ryde Council local environmental plan and its 2010 Corridor Strategy have not been addressed. The approval of more development will contribute to the severe traffic congestion on the major roads, air pollution, noise impacts and significantly increase the demand for education, health, recreation, cultural and community facilities to meet the needs of the increased population. Nor has the existing scale of buildings and the character of the heritage rich Gladesville been thought about by the responsible planning authorities when approving the massive increase in the height and scale of permitted new buildings. The approval of the development as proposed will adversely impact on the people in the local community and their local environment. A smaller scale of development would be more in keeping with the local character and have much less adverse impacts.
The height of the proposed development is out of alignment with the landscape. Reducing the height of the development will soften the aesthetic impact on the area, minimise shadowing and reduce intrusion on neighbouring single dwelling residences on Ross St, Western Crescent and Tyrell St. Consideration must be given to the privacy of existing residents with homes in Low Density Residential directly across the road from the proposed development. Restrictions should be placed so that apartments should not be allowed balconies overlooking low density properties.
The cumulative effect of large scale development in Gladesville is having a dramatic effect on traffic flow in the area in and around the Gladesville Shopping precinct, affecting access to Gladesville Public School, Christ Church Preschool.
Ongoing traffic management beyond the construction period is of grave concern for residents accessing the shopping precinct and Victoria Road.
I cannot understand why the school is complaining, especially when they had development work going on right behind their school, even giving them some land while the development was going on.
As for the other people complaining have they ever heard of progress??