1 / 241 Canterbury Road Canterbury VIC 3126

Use of the land as a massage centre and consent for car parking.
Planning Authority
Boroondara City Council
Reference number
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 8 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
260 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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on the Boroondara City Council website

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Is this a serious application? Under the Sex Work Act 1994 Section 74:
"The responsible authority must REFUSE to grant a permit for a use or development of land for the purposes of the operation of a brothel if ... (3) the land is within 200 metres of a place of worship, hospital, school, education and care service premises, children's services centre or of any other facility or place regularly frequented by children for recreational or cultural activities;
Why has this application been placed on the Boroondara Planning Register when it so obviously fails the test? What a waste of our rates dealing with this no-brainer.
For the record, I am opposed to this application.

Sent to Boroondara City Council

I am opposed to this application - massage parlours are just a front for brothels.

Concerned resident
Sent to Boroondara City Council

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Is this a legitimate massage parlour or is it a brothel ?
The extremely scantily clad Asian women featured in their advertisement strongly suggests the latter.!!!
Again I say, not in my back yard.

Clare Buckley
Sent to Boroondara City Council

I found the advertisement for the brothel on Locanto, it gives the impression the business is already operating from this address. Pictures of four Asian girls, one is nude and two are flashing their underwear, 100% convinced they are hookers. Boroondara council tell the truth. As a resident of Boroondara I do not want brothels in the area, especially ones that are likely to be involved in human trafficking!

Sent to Boroondara City Council

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@John..... You are off topic. Find another forum for your views!

@ Boroondara Council, in particular Cr. Jane Addis. Please stand up for the residents of Maling Ward against this issue and any other Brothel ('Massage Parlour' in disguise) operating in our residential neighbourhood. The 'Massage Parlour' ads (comments and photos) are sleazy and already suggest 1 / 241 Canterbury Road, Canterbury VIC 3126 is operating (presumably without the approved permit).
The premises is opposite Canterbury Gardens which has a children's Play Group/Toy Library; a Maternal & Child Health Centre; also adjoins Interchange Inner East (a respite service for children and young adults) and Burke & Beyond Centre (a Day Service and Education centre for young adults with a disability). It is also within 200 metres of Aged residents living in BASS Care Independent Living Units @ 6 Rochester Rd. and elderly/aged residents who attend the Canterbury Centre, 2 Rochester Road, Canterbury which is open 7 days a week for meals and recreational activities.
A 'Massage Parlour' would be totally inappropriate in the area for the reasons stated above.

Sent to Boroondara City Council

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Is this a legitimate massage parlour or is it a brothel ?
The extremely scantily clad Asian women featured in their advertisement strongly suggests the latter.!!!
Again I say, not in my back yard.

Clare Buckley
Sent to Boroondara City Council

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