3 Jean Street South Tamworth NSW 2340

Utility Installation - (Mobile Phone Tower)
Planning Authority
Tamworth Regional Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 10 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
6 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
2 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Tamworth Regional Council. Add your own comment.

Your comment: We in South Tamworth from the top of hill in Roberts St, towards Duri Rd, around Jill, John and Nancy St's have a black spot with Telstra. You can always tell when Telstra residents in Nancy St have a mobile phone call, they are standing in their yard with a mobile phone to the ear. And we are how far from the Tamworth Post Office???? The proposed Telstra mobile tower on Duri Rd, near Sth Tamworth vets, is not going to occur, according to information received by me from Telstra (available if required with a very embarrassing story about Telstra to go with it !!! ). If Telstra has decided not to go ahead with the Duri Rd development, the proposed development in Jean St is our life boat!!! This development will help to alleviate this black spot in South Tamworth and benefit South Tamworth residents.

Jeff Bartlett
Sent to Tamworth Regional Council

Further to my first submission, Council needs to ask Telstra why they are putting a development application here at 3 Jean Street when they already have a DA approved for another mobile phone tower, within 2 kilometres, that I believe has been approved, that would be in the middle of a rail road corridor, with no houses immediately "just over the fence" and probably solving the problem Telstra are trying to overcome. This tower DA application is at Duri Rd, across from the South Tamworth Vets. On making enquiries to Telstra locally (North West Region) about what was happening to this Duri Rd development, the Telstra officials could not find anything about it in their files and I had to send them their Telstra development notice, they sent out to nearby residents in April 2013 !!!! Could it be locally the Telstra Nth West were not aware of this other approved mobile phone tower DA? I think so because why would you make a DA for a tower upgrade in a heavily populated area, when you already have an approved DA, for the same thing, 2 kilometres away? Doesn't make sense to me and Council need to ask Telstra why they are not going to use the less invasive Duri Rd site.

Jeff Bartlett

Jeff Bartlett
Sent to Tamworth Regional Council

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