We like to know the following.
1) On what basis that you only choose to inform 352 people of the planning application?
2) Is this number randomly picked from somewhere? What the percentage is it representing the population under Lane Cove Council, or doesn't it matter whatever the number it is in your opinion?
3) Do you only consider the feedback and/or comments from those 352 people on your email list?
4) What are the ages range of those 352 people?
For this, I reckon the majority (say 90%, if not all) of the people on the council's email notification list should be in the age range of 21 and 51, who are intellectually mature in normal case and will be most affected in their life times by all proposed plans.
Unless the council is to make its unilateral decisions without the need to include public's opinions, we wish Lane Cove Council to consider our comment to the planning application for 2-8 Finlayson Street.
We object to the building height with the reasons below.
1) Any building taller than 5-storeys definitely will block off natural daylight to its neighbours and minify viewing the sky. This plan will worsen the effects as the site is at the high side of the street.
2) Lane Cove Council should stick to the stipulated rule that has been exercising for years: All buildings are not higher than 5 storeys above its street level.
Besides, the plan should be disapproved if either the council or the planner fails to design how not to worsen the already congested traffic during rushing hours from all directions to the roundabout in front of Canopy's carpark entrance, as well as that on Finlayson Street with the frequent traffic directed from Tambourine Bay Road.