Does this development include traffic lights installed at the large roundabout on Jamison/York road to allow for the ridiculous amount of traffic this will create. I don’t believe Penrith doesn’t need that amount of appartments built we are not parramatta and don’t want to be.
164 Station Street Penrith 2750, NSW
- Description
- Staged Concept Master Plan - Ten (10) Stage Mixed Use Residential & Non-Residential Development comprising 1,995 Residential Apartments & Non-Residential Uses, Above Ground & Basement Car Parking, 10 to 20 Storey Building Heights & Related Infrastructure including Access Roads, Public Domain Works & Landscaping.
- Planning Authority
NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 30 days ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 180 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 2 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels. Add your own comment.
Lenie peluso
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NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels
I agree with the above comments. Penrith has been flooded with Units/Highrise and yes it is not Parramatta. Penrith is being ruined by all the congestion, and our roundabouts are now classed as "inadequate" and "dangerous" due to the unnecessary volumes of traffic. There is not enough parking, footpaths and facilities to cater for these highrise dwellings people and vehicles. Do we really want to look like CHINA as this is what is happening and Penrith will end up a getto. I have to say I am opposed to the dwelling. SV
Sandra Vincent
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NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels