Re the proposed development of 72 Head Street
We live directly behind the proposed development and it will impact us in various ways:
1.Height and bulk of building will impact on the sea breeze.This is a duel occupancy which has its own issues with the amount of people living there and their impact on the area.Parking has its own problems here especially in holiday time and Park Run etc.
2.Concerns for drainage as the fall of the land has certainly had problems in its current form.
3.Sewerage again has the same problem with the amount of bedrooms and bath rooms this will certainly impact on many houses in this vicinity.
4.Shadow from the buildings on our rear yard,impacting on our vegetable garden,also our privacy will be diminished by outdoor areas on the upper floors and noise will increase as it floats in the air.
5.Pebby Beach is an area that has special affinity with Forster with playground,bicentennial walk and open areas,I feel and many others do as well that the rezoning of this precinct was a mistake especially the height of the buildings and now the buildings are going to fill up the whole block of land which is going to spoil the outlook for all.
Thank you,I hope these concerns and others will be taken into consideration.
72 Head Street Forster NSW 2428
- Description
- Demolition of Existing Dwelling, Construction of Dual Occupancy (Attached)
- Planning Authority
Mid-Coast Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 1 month ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 58 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 1 comment made here on Planning Alerts
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Betty pryde
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