539 Pacific Highway, Wadalba, NSW

22 lot subdivision including 1 residue lot and small lot housing comprising 21 dwellings (Amended Application)
Planning Authority
Central Coast Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 2 months ago. It was received by them earlier.
91 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Central Coast Council. Add your own comment.

Because the traffic isn’t horrendous enough here ?
Now there’s also the new daycare on Johns rd which will cause more gridlock (by the way I’ve never had an alert for their planning so is it even council approved?)
Whatever happened to making sure the infrastructure could handle more residents and traffic before adding more ?

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Agree with BL, traffic is already an issue with a school and shops next to each other. There is no green space in the heat sink area, sort it out we need places with trees for shade and cool. The park on Johns road should be called melanoma park and wearing oodles of sunscreen just makes you even hotter!. If gums are not preferred, sadly..then put in tuckeroos that spread and don’t drop limbs. The same needs to be happening at both developments at wadalba. Make it an area for community to enjoy, a pool with trees, bbqs, duckies. No more clearing land for housing either. You’ve stuffed up the land and created another heat sink at the freeway access..who in their right mind wants to live in hell…literally it’ll be that hot! Buy land from private owners that have already been cleared and put in less housing with more trees, green it up and allow these smaller villages to have solar, water recycling green spaces that link vegetation corridors. It’s time planning grew up and didn’t force these sorts of developments on community. Don’t let Eaton have a say his numerous timber yards and hardware stores are a conflict of interest on the coast.

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