I object to the subdivision of this lot, and I strongly object to the construction of a dwelling and associated garages on the site of their current garden. The proposal to build a detached dwelling on this small garden is absurd. It would be a major overdevelopment of the site. It doesn’t fulfil the requirements of the ratio of green space to building size, and it blocks the ground floor and top floor windows of 42 Alberto St. This proposed subdivision means that both the existing house and the proposed new dwelling would have no gardens for recreational space at all for either property. At a time when everyone else wishes they had a garden for their children to play in, this proposal seeks to get rid of theirs entirely.
Do not approve this application.
7 Sunnyside Avenue Lilyfield NSW 2040
- Description
- Torrens title subdivision of existing lot into 2 allotments including construction of a ground and first floor detached dwelling with associated auxiliary structures and landscaping works.
- Planning Authority
Inner West Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 2 months ago. The date it was received by them was not recorded.
- 575 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 3 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Inner West Council. Add your own comment.
We object to this overdevelopment of 7 Sunnyside Ave Lilyfield 2040 to become 7 and 7A Sunnyside Ave for the following reasons:
Breach of minimum lot size by over 23%!
Visual bulk, solar access and privacy to adjoining property
Increased stress on street parking due to 2 separate occupant parties
Poor visual amenity - not in keeping with the area
Minimal provision for open recreational/green space detrimental to the environment and occupants
Flood/stormwater/drainage potential issues for the property and neighbours
As a local resident (Foucart st Rozelle) with several young children. I support the increase use to create family housing! Our family have lost several families that have been forced to relocate to more affordable suburbs (beach front suburbs are now more affordable than the innerwest) because of local councils lack of awareness and foresight to increase density in this area. This will only become a problem when the people currently in control are long retired and our children will be the ones that have to relocate. We are currently in arguably the worst places on the planet for housing affordability this type of adaptive repurposing of existing land and infracture should be encouraged. There is a very large building on multiple lots directly next door to this land that could be utilised for multiple families but is greadily used to house a fraction of what the rest of area has to deal with. Housing affordability can only be solved by increasing supply not consolidating lots for eyesore mansions sitting like a sore thumb amongst the traditional working class cottages this area is known and loved for. I see streetscape consistency, convenient off street parking and an existing previously derelict building being Utilized for families. It’s a win-win for future generations of the area. Locals are being forced out to make way for greedy land grabbers wanting to hoard as much land for themselves as possible. My block is way under 200m2 and my family easily manages to live very comfortably. Like most others in this council area.