81 Cleveland Street Dianella WA 6059

Building plans - Comm/Res units ($120.00 incl GST)
Planning Authority
City of Stirling
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 5 months ago. It was received by them earlier.
55 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
2 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to City of Stirling. Add your own comment.

Just wondering how much larger this school can get when it is embedded within a residential area, away from a main road? The larger this school gets, the more traffic that flows through Cleveland and surrounding streets, and the more the street blocks up during school pick up/drop off due to the lack of space. Majority of the people attending this school live out of the area, so this means almost every family is dropped off via vehicle. It'd be great to see the school add green space and plant more trees instead of add more buildings to increase school numbers.

N Coughlan
Delivered to City of Stirling

This school purchased the site from the Education Dept. It came with playing fields and lots of space. They sold off much of the land and made the locals pay the price by creating a chaotic parking environment which spills out over the whole area. It’s made worse by many parents that have a complete disregard for the neighbourhood. It will end in tragedy when emergency vehicles try to reach a destination during drop off or pick up times. It’s a planning disaster that just gets worse.

Rodger Cat
Delivered to City of Stirling

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