Objection to Proposed Property Development at No 104 Arabella Street, Longueville – DA Application No 75/2024
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to formally lodge an objection to the proposed property development at No 104 Arabella Street, Longueville, as referenced above. My objection primarily concerns the loss of views from our property at No. 73 Arabella Street, Longueville.
1. Nature and Value of Views Impacted
The proposed development, specifically the construction of an Art Studio and Lift Shaft to the top level of the building, will obstruct the views from our main living room towards Woodford Bay. These views are accessed through the one of the main existing view corridors between the trees, which will be blocked by the new structures that are proposed to extend above the current roofline.
Our property already has limited views due to existing tree coverage, making this view corridor to the water a crucial aspect of our main living space. The design of our sunroom and ground-floor terrace was specifically oriented to capture and enjoy this water view. The proposed development, therefore, represents an unacceptable loss of these views, which are a key feature of our daily living experience.
2. Reasonableness of the Proposal and Design Alternatives
The proposed Art Studio and Lift Shaft, in their current form, seem unreasonable given the significant impact they will have on our views. The necessity of these additions, particularly given the extent of the impact on neighbouring properties, is questionable.
I believe that alternative designs could be explored that would allow the development to proceed without obstructing our views. Such alternatives should be carefully considered to preserve the view corridors from our main living area, where my family and I spend a substantial amount of our time enjoying the scenery of Woodford Bay and the sailing boats.
In light of the above, I respectfully request that the development plans be revised to address these concerns. We urge the consideration of alternative designs that will mitigate the impact on our views and maintain the character and enjoyment of our property.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Slack-Smith
No. 73 Arabella Street
Longueville, NSW