7 Melba Street, Downer, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - AMENDMENT TO DA202342692-S168C - PROPOSAL FOR MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND LEASE VARIATION. Amendment to development application to respond to Authority's request for further information including façade and unit design amendments and associated changes. See the detailed separate amendment list for all changes.
Planning Authority
ACT Planning & Land Authority
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 10 months ago. It was received by them earlier.
136 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to ACT Planning & Land Authority. Add your own comment.

I’m a local resident and am concerned about the lack of parking for the proposed development over 5,7,9 Melba st Downer. As Melba st is a no parking area, owners with more than 1 car, or guests will be required to park in streets available. I am concerned that owners or guests to the proposed development will park in Blacket st, where street parking is already overcrowded. It will also increase traffic down Blacket st, which is already very busy and unsafe due to high density street parking and lack of room to get down the street. I believe the proposed DA application will significantly impact local residents in the following ways:
1. An increase in street traffic in Blacket st, resulting in less parking available for Blacket st residents
2. An increase in traffic driving up and down Blacket st, in an already over crowded st, increasing the likelihood of vehicle collisions
3. An increase in traffic at the Blacket st/Melba street intersections, which are already very busy and unsafe intersections for vehicles and pedestrians.
4. Although zoned for high density dwellings, too many high density dwellings do not fit in with the surrounding properties, detracting from the rich history of the suburb and area, which contribute to making the area desirable to live. Some of the history I refer to is; the Dickson Library which is a top 10 in the world for the era’s architecture, and applied for heritage listing, Award winning Architecture of the many duplexes in Blacket and Swindon st, the site of the old CSIRO, and heritage listed gum trees.

The aforementioned issues could decrease the value of properties for local residents, and this kind of high density dwellings does not fit into the area. I therefore think the DA needs to be amended to include more parking for guests, and the government to consider a significant upgrade to the intersection of Blacket st/Melba st intersection if the building is to go ahead.

Thank you for considering my comments.

Michael Larkings
Delivered to ACT Planning & Land Authority

Fantastic to see some more medium density urban infill development going on in the local area. This should mean affordable, centrally located, convenient homes for new Downer residents! Hopefully the rest of Downer will be zoned for multi unit dwellings soon.

Jonathan Will
Delivered to ACT Planning & Land Authority

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