Disappointing if such a car-centric thing goes ahead here, when surely there are many better options so close to tram, train, and bike path.
737-757 Sydney Road, Coburg North VIC 3058
- Description
- Use and development of a service station and car wash, display of business identification signage and alteration of access to a Transport Zone 2 Zone
- Planning Authority
Moreland City Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 10 months ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 262 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 21 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Moreland City Council. Add your own comment.
This application should be rejected for a number of reasons. The last thing the community needs is another petrol station that will have a relatively short life as we transition to electric vehicles. Also, the heavy peak hour traffic at this intersection will increase to unacceptable levels. And there are already two petrol stations on Sydney Rd in North Coburg! Finally, at this time, in a catastrophic housing crisis, this space is urgently required for housing, especially near public transport. The application should be rejected and the council should instead support this area to become a more liveable area for residents.
I agree with the objections to this permit and would like to reiterate the points already raised.
Considering the urgent need to mitigate climate change and transition to sustainable forms of transportation, the addition of another petrol station to the community is counterproductive. As we move towards an era dominated by electric vehicles, investing in infrastructure that supports fossil fuel consumption, which has a relatively short life expectancy, is both environmentally irresponsible and economically unwise.
The proposed location is already burdened with heavy traffic. Introducing a petrol station at this point will inevitably exacerbate congestion levels, leading to further inconvenience and safety concerns for residents and commuters alike. Moreover, the presence of many existing petrol stations in Coburg North demonstrates an over saturation of such facilities in the area. Adding another one would not only be redundant but also potentially detrimental to the land that it is built on.
Given the ongoing housing crisis, it is imperative that available space be utilised to address the pressing need for affordable housing, particularly in proximity to public transport hubs like this (Batman Station and 19 tram). By allocating land for a petrol station instead of residential development, the council would be failing to prioritise the fundamental needs of its residents.
Firstly we’re in the midst of a housing crisis and this is prime land right next to a tram stop and a train station. This area should be used as high density housing.
Secondly the intersection is already way too congested, adding a petrol station in this position is only going to exasperate things. There are plenty of other service stations in the area and adding more pollution to an already polluted area isn’t the answer.
Council need to listen to the people responding to this and block the application.
Absolutely agree with the below comments.
This is the opposite of what Zero Carbon Merri-bek should be entertaining. We should be doing all that we can to protect the envrionment and surrounding parklands (that already cop so much with the spill over from trucks!)
Thank you to previous commenters. As residents of Carr St, our household would be directly and negatively affected were this application to be approved. Traffic in the area is already very heavy and dangerous for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. When traffic flow is disrupted in the surrounding area it is not uncommon for cars and trucks to become backed up between Carr St and Newlands Road and stay that way for hours. There have been times when I can't get in or out of my driveway. Adding a petrol station into the mix would intensify this problem.
Council needs only to look across the road from the proposed site to Coburg Motor Inn to see evidence of the dearth of emergency and public housing in the area. Instead of approving a redundant and environmentally irresponsible business application, council must do more to protect residents and vulnerable members of our community.
Finally, Coburg North's greatest strength is the green spaces of Coburg Lake and Merri Creek. These are so close to the proposed site. The sustainability and health of these spaces – and in turn the health of our community – must be prioritised. Reject this application and create positive change instead. Thank you
If this is going ahead, Council should impose as part of the planning permit at least 6 super fast EV chargers.
Otherwise what a Shocking use of the site - we need better in Merri-bek. It’s the Perfect spot for housing.
I sincerely hope to not have a car wash on such a valuable development lot next to prominent public transport options at the doorstep. This will make this already dangerous and congested crossing more congested and dangerous. Surely high density housing, even a hotel with mixed use ground floor use would be a much better option. I hope this gets. rejected big time. This will be a serious eyesore. By the way there is a not so busy car wash one block away…
This is an inappropriate use of this land, which is right next to Merri-Bek's premiere park, Coburg Lake Reserve, a bike path, and a train station. This would be such a prime location for much needed housing. Cars moving in and out of the petrol station will add to an already congested traffic environment and make it less safe for pedestrians, including older people (with a huge aged care residence just approved on Gaffney) and the many families with children travelling along Gaffney St to the park and to school. There is already another petrol station just south of Gaffney on Sydney Rd, and a car wash on O'Hea St. This corner has the potential to be a liveable and activated spot with housing etc, and approving this development will reduce that.
Dear Councillors I live on Camera Walk on the old Kodak Factory site and try to use my bike for as many local trips as possible. The closest continental supermarket, Bunnings, Petbarn and Officeworks are on Gaffney Street so I use the shared bike path on Gaffney St before the train line most weeks. I see many others doing the same including teenagers. The proposed use of the site would make this a much more difficult and dangerous prospect as cars would be flowing into tabs out of the service station across the path. The application does not address this issue.
I would therefore like to object to this use. I also agree with other comments, that this is a sensible site for housing development taking advantage of the great public transport and biking options on its doorstep, and the area does not particularly need another service station or convenience store, it is already well served for these uses. Thank you.
A petrol station on the corner of Sydney rd and Gaffney street would increase the risk of harm to pedestrians, cyclists and drivers. Increased traffic in and out of a petrol station is likely to increase the risk of accidents to all. The corner of Sydney rd and bakers road and corner of Sydney rd and Carr street are already high accident intersection. We do not need another high risk intersection on Sydney road. Accidents in this area cause significant traffic jams.
In addition we already have three petrol stations each approx 1km from this intersection (newlands rd, 989 Sydney rd and 565 Sydney rd) .
There are so many reasons why this application MUST be rejected. Firstly, is an incredibly inappropriate location for petrol station. Next to a train station & tram line, with heavy traffic in all directions and pedestrians, cyclists & a popular route for children traveling to and fro school. Entry & access to the site would be dangerous & precarious for pedestrians and other drivers.
Secondly, the site should be used for housing given the site is well located to public transport, Coburg shops, schools & open green space.
Thirdly, there are plenty of existing petrol stations south & north of this location. This is not an essential development, unlike need for housing.
I agree with previous comments around housing being the best use of this well-located space from a community perspective.
I use this intersection daily as a cyclist, driver and pedestrian. Having drivers trying to turn off into, or exit from a petrol station in the proposed location is likely to result in increased accidents and road rage incidents. There is already quite a lot of unsafe driving behaviour at this intersection with drivers trying to dodge traffic waiting to turn, or beat turning arrows to avoid lengthy waits.
Drivers using the area are already well served by existing petrol stations. I hope Merri-bek rejects this plan and instead approves something that will benefit the community into the future.
People are either new to the area or don’t remember this site being a service station. If it is to be a service station, have EV chargers, which will be a point of difference to the other facilities nearby.
The objectors are failing to recognise that a multi-storey residential building will increase the traffic and local facilities pressure. I would imagine that it would be a high density building with multiple vehicles and residents. Especially once the building across Sydney Rd is built. I am more concerned that these high density sites will become the ghettos of the future.
I understand the need for housing, but those decisions need to made with forward thinking and planning. Will the roads cope? Is there enough room within the school systems? Will the poorly serviced Upfield train line be able to support a large influx?
I travel through this busy intersection many times a week. It is frequently congested with car traffic and also used by many pedestrians and cyclists including school children. A petrol station in this location would further increase the complexity of the intersection and negatively impact both pedestrian safety and traffic flow. As others have noted there are already many service stations in the area so there is no case to add another, especially as we move away from petrol vehicles. I urge the decisionmakers not to permit yet another site to be contaminated and instead support it to be developed to meet essential community needs.
I strongly oppose the use of this land for a petrol station. Situated between Batman Station and the Coburg Lake Reserve, this is a high traffic area for cyclists and pedestrians. If anything, we should be considering ways to improve the area for families and pedestrians.
Currently, the stretch of pavement between Batman Station and the Lake Reserve is classified as a shared footpath. A petrol station would further disrupt an already uncomfortable commute for thousands.
Please reject this application as it is not needed. A MEGA sized new Liberty petrol and service station is about to open up at less 300 meters away at 539 Sydney road Coburg. The new liberty petrol station is extra large, with EV charging stations and 20 bowers available. There are also FREE EV charging stations very close by at Council civic centre and Pentridge development. Please consider this land for activities that support and promote community health and well being, not environmental destruction & multinational profit.
This site has such great potential to at last enliven this popular pedestrian thoroughfare - please don’t waste it with another petrol station.
The corner is already an extremely ugly and dangerous section of Sydney road for the many cars, cyclists and pedestrians who have to use it. Adding driveways for a petrol station will further complicate this confusing mess.
Also, the area is already well served for petrol stations so this would add nothing. Please put housing there to take advantage of the public transport and drag some life up into this dead zone of Sydney Road.
We don't need another service station for all the reasons above, and:
There are about 20 service stations within a few minutes drive of this location. The community doesn't need another Servo. More of them doesn't make them competitive.
There are already a couple of old service stations that are currently vacant blocks or temporary businesses on this stretch of Sydney rd. Contaminating another valuable parcel of land with this short-sighted development is not what the community wants.
The Proposal responds appropriately to the relevant policies and matters in the Merri-bek Planning Scheme and should be supported.
The Proposal responds positively to the Clause 65 VPP matters.
The Proposal provides an essential community service to local residents, visitors, last mile road transport operators, taxi and rideshare operators, businesses that need to attend the region by motor vehicle, and cross-regional travellers whose journey routes proceed through this suburb.
The Proposal provides a high quality, contemporary design outcome that is appropriately responsive to the local post-industrial urban context.
The Proposal faces organised community opposition due to an element of local opinion about environmental issues beyond this local government area, and ideology of resident groups.
The Proposal responds positively to the Strategic Context.
The Proposal responds positively to the activity centres policies of Council and State Government.
The Proposal is located in a major activity centre and responds positively to the purpose and objectives of activity centres and the Council policies regarding the hierarchy of activity centres.
The Proposal is located in a significant change area.
The Proposal is an "acceptable planning outcome" and Knox v Tulcany confirms that "acceptable" is the standard that needs to be met by planning applications. So planning proposals do not need to be ideal or perfect, but equally they cannot be sub-standard.
Knox CC v Tulcany [2004] VSC 375 18 VPR 229
Rozen & Anor v Macedon Ranges Shire Council & Anor [2010] VSC 583 (14 December 2010)
Cysur Developments Pty Ltd v Merri-bek CC [2023] VCAT 1104
This is a large area of land and must be used for housing. It’s close to a huge park, a train and tram stop, and a major bike path. There are a million servos in the area already.
A petrol station does not serve the community, area or state in any meaningful way. It does not help with the housing or homelessness crisis, which is particularly acute in this area.