30 Arthur Street, Lavender Bay NSW 2060

Demolition existing detached carport and replace with garage and roof terrace
Planning Authority
North Sydney Council
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Reference number
DA 47/24
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 12 months ago. It was received by them earlier.
366 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to North Sydney Council. Add your own comment.

One of North Sydney's ongoing and continually worrying concerns relates to the density of its housing in such a small municipality area (in comparison to other LGA's in NSW) This has led to the municipality having the least open space available to residents in Sydney - THE LEAST.
The state government is heavily supporting the increase in the number of high rise buildings to accommodate, at least, another 15,500 people. Rather than house these new residents in inappropriate high rise buildings it is only logical to spead the numbers over the whole LGA. To this end, the council should be POSITIVELY encourage and support the type of housing approvals, like 'granny flats', that we have seen poping up in Crows Nest (to the east of the shopping precinct). By increasing the population in accordance with state government mandate and spreading that increase across the whole LGA the impact on the LGA will be share equally by all residents. Thus having the least impact on the current open space issues.
Council should consider ACTIVELY encouraging existing properties, particularly those serviced by rear lane access, to consider using the space of existing rear lane access garages as a foundation for development of granny flats. Along the lines of the Mews development thoughout London, which began such development when horse stables there were no longer required after WW1 as motorised transport began to grow.

Peter Colman
Delivered to North Sydney Council

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