Amendment c219 has not been passed yet so the DDO4 overlay is still in effect for this property and therefore each lot of the subdivision should be 2500 m2. As this lot is 3322m² this DDO requirement will not be met.
The DDO4 says:
To ensure that subdivision and development is responsive to the character and physical characteristics of these environmentally sensitive areas.
To avoid higher densities of development in areas often prone to landslip, erosion or bushfires, and to minimise earthworks and vegetation removal in steep and sandy conditions.
The land is also subject to erosion and landslips and has EMO3 overlay especially for Ballar Creek. So the developers and council need to read the Coffee Report about conditions along Ballar.
They also need to remember it has vegetation protection overlays as well.
Also they need to thinking about everything in amendment VC216 in relation to climate change, biodiversity, water management etc.