196 - 202 Burwood Road, Hawthorn VIC 3122

(Sec72) Permit Allows: Use of the land for not more than 293 dwellings (Clause 34.01-1) and a café (Clause 32.08-1); buildings and works to construct a six (6) storey building above a multi-level basement (Clauses 34.01-4, 32.08-4, 32.08-6 and 43.02-2); construction of a canopy above the footpath of a road in a Road Zone, Category 1 (Clause 36.04-2); waiver of the loading bay requirements associated with cafés (Clause 52.07); alter access to a road in a Road Zone, Category 1 (reinstatement of a redundant crossing on Burwood Road to kerb and channel) (Clause 52.29); and waiver of the bicycle facilities requirements associated with café customers (Clause 52.34-2) generally in accordance with the endorsed plans
Planning Authority
Boroondara City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 12 months ago. It was received by them earlier.
422 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Boroondara City Council. Add your own comment.

1. There is no parking within the complex for the lot that the business intends to operate the business out of. This will mean that either customers and staff attempt to park in residential visitor parking that is not meant for them, or they will park on Burwood Road and Drill Street where parking and traffic are already extremely busy. In fact, during peak hours, Drill Street is a No Standing zone, as is Burwood Road in the morning. Therefore, it is likely that customers of the business will park illegally to drop off and/or pick up their pets on the way to and from work. This will significantly impact residents who are trying to make their way out for the day or home in the afternoon.
2. The business has an entrance that is very close to the entrance to our residents' pool and gym. This is going to be an issue for anyone who is allergic to or fears dogs. Dozens of dogs going in and out of the primary corner of our building will deter residents from walking there, utilising their pool and gym, etc. This business harms the amenity of our building, community, and local area for anyone with an allergy or fear of dogs.
3. We have already had issues with pets being allowed to relieve themselves on our nature strip and not being cleaned up, on the footpath, and on the building itself. This business will only exacerbate this.
4. If staff and customers of this business - who are not entitled to utilise the building car park - do sneak into our car park, they can only get out by using the residential lift and exiting through our residential floor, foyer, and mail room. This is a blatant security risk. Also, having animals and additional people who should not be there increasing traffic in our lifts is not reasonable.
5. The applicant states as per the Notice Information dated 4 July 2024 that two car parking spaces are allocated to staff. This is simply untrue. All car parks within Sierra Hawthorn are either privately owned by residential lots, or commonly owned by the Owners Corporation and exist exclusively for the Residents' Visitors.
6. It is not reasonable for residents within earshot to have a business operating at 7:30 am most days that welcomes dogs who are likely to cause noise on the way in and out of the business premises.
7. The builder has failed to construct a compliant hydraulic service for the building and we have experienced several flooding events in the building. The proposed business has significant drainage and waste requirements that are only going to exacerbate the problems.

Kyle Rolland
Delivered to Boroondara City Council

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