1 Beazley Way White Gum Valley WA 6162

24 Multiple Dwellings
Planning Authority
Fremantle City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
84 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
4 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Fremantle City Council. Add your own comment.

I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding the proposed development of social housing on the currently identified land within our community. After careful consideration, it has become clear that the intended use of this land for social housing raises significant issues that warrant urgent attention and reassessment of the proposed development plan.

Firstly, it is important to recognize that the value of the land in question is significantly higher compared to other areas nearby that could offer much more value for the investment. By choosing a location just a short distance away, in the same suburb, it is possible to achieve greater benefits for both the community and the potential residents of the social housing project. Such a decision would not only optimize the use of financial resources but also align with the best practices of urban planning and development.

Moreover, our area is already grappling with challenges related to high population density, which has had a direct impact on the quality of life for its residents. Parking, in particular, has become a critical issue, with insufficient spaces available to accommodate the needs of the community. The addition of a social housing development in this already congested area would exacerbate these problems, leading to increased frustration and potential conflict among residents.

Additionally, it is with great concern that I report an incident that occurred just this morning—a break-in into my vehicle, highlighting the exceptionally high crime rates our community is currently facing - (literally) every day on this street we have had break ins. The introduction of a social housing project, accompanied by an increase in population density and the associated increase in vehicles, is likely to further strain our already overburdened law enforcement resources who are unable to do anything in response to the crime rates here.

In light of these considerations, I strongly urge the relevant authorities to reconsider the proposed development of social housing on the currently identified land. It is imperative that we seek alternative solutions that not only provide valuable housing opportunities but also preserve the quality of life for the existing community.

Adam Spight
There was a problem delivering this to Fremantle City Council

I strongly oppose this development in the current location.

The area is already struggling with accommodating the existing rate payers vehicles with off street parking options scarce.

The original approved development proposal for this site was 17 x Baugruppen development, this project maintained the aesthetics of the area, now there is suddenly an increase to 24 apartments!

As stated by the previous commenter, the area already has a significant crime problem, with home burglary and car break in a common occurrence.

Michael T
There was a problem delivering this to Fremantle City Council

I'm writing in support of the development of social housing on 1 Beazley Way White Gum Valley.

It is crucial that the City of Fremantle allows for the development of as much social and affordable housing as possible. In recent years there has been a sharp decline in the in the number of social housing units in Fremantle. Within the context of our housing crisis, the City should take every opportunity to encourage the development of social and affordable housing.

The Fremantle community is broadly supportive of social and affordable housing. Many community members recognise the need for diverse housing options as housing in areas of the city, including White Gum Valley, are becoming increasingly unaffordable for an average person.

Social housing is important in ensuring that our community remains diverse and vibrant.

I strongly reject the assertions in the submissions from community members drawing a connection between the City's consideration of this development application any 'crime problem' in the area. The perceived risk that the approval of this application will result in increased crime in the area is unfounded, offensive and is not reflective of community sentiment in Fremantle.

I urge the council to approve this application.

Adam Flynn
There was a problem delivering this to Fremantle City Council

I am writing in support of the proposed housing development at 1 Beazley Way.
Because there is such a growing and chronic shortage of affordable housing, many vulnerable people are at risk of homelessness.
People with disabilities are of particular concern. Imagine what it is like to be the parent of an adult child with a disability. All you want is to know that your daughter or son will have secure, safe, ongoing and affordable housing when you are no longer around to advocate on their behalf.
Such a sad comment on society when we make harmful and incorrect assumptions about vulnerable people be they with disability, elderly or low income. These people are valued, loved, respected and equal to anyone of us.
Please support this application.

Heather Walls
There was a problem delivering this to Fremantle City Council

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