690 Wisemans Ferry Road, Somersby, NSW

Home industry, Gin Distillery
Planning Authority
Central Coast Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
12 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Central Coast Council. Add your own comment.

Rejection of application
I object the development of a Gin Distillery at 690 Wisemans Ferry Rd Somersby
There is too much development on the Somersby Plateau. Property owners are wiping out complete paddocks for their livestock: desecrating all natural vegetation and wildlife. The property adjoining to this has endangered species of plants and wildlife! The corner of this property has created a flood area, previously, from their stormwater management (or lack of).
This development will
• create a traffic hazard being on a corner and a blind hill.
• create obnoxious air and noise pollution,
• contaminate to the ground water: possible contamination to the Hawkesbury catchment area,
• create extra noise pollution.
At the start of the application, it states, 40m2: at the end, no more that 50m2…which is it! There is no buffer area in case of hazardous spills, explosions, fires.
Council will not monitor this development. Council do not care.
This development should be looking at retaining the local environment and creating a sanctuary for the native plants and wildlife. This development is just adding to one's greed and wealth: I totally object to the application.

Concerned citizen
Delivered to Central Coast Council

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