212A Sixth Avenue Inglewood WA 6052

Residential - Single House
Planning Authority
City of Stirling
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
87 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to City of Stirling. Add your own comment.

Hello - can you PLEASE ENSURE that the property across from us at 212A Sixth Avenue has ONSITE PARKING. The number of split blocks in our block on Sixth Ave now is causing absolute havoc on our Street with cars parking on the roadside instead of at the property meaning that cars are swearing in and out and around the parked cars.

We have cars parking opposite my house & my neighbours house driveways as they are close together.... we find it extremely difficult and IMPOSSIBLE to reverse out of our driveways when cars are continually parked directly across from our driveways and need to reverse out onto the verges to be able to exit our properties. It's really dangerous with people also using it as a rat run to avoid Central Avenue.

We need to maintain a clear visual exit, entry and thoroughfare on the Sixth Ave.

Leanne Bamborough
Delivered to City of Stirling

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