21 Kensington Road Summer Hill NSW 2130

Tree Removal - Removal of an Illawarra Flame Tree and pruning of two other on-site trees
Planning Authority
Inner West Council
Reference number
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 10 months ago. The date it was received by them was not recorded.
688 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
3 comments made here on Planning Alerts
on the Inner West Council website

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Inner West Council. Add your own comment.

Why is the native Flame Tree being removed? I oppose this DA as these trees are wonderful and should stay.

Stuart Hickson
Delivered to Inner West Council

I object to this DA to remove this established flame tree from 21 Kensington Rd Summer Hill. This tree provides habitat to local birds and wildlife; as well as providing shade, beauty and tree canopy to the local area.
The proposed removal of this tree would result in further loss of habitat, and reduces the tree canopy of large native trees in the inner west.
If necessary, the tree could be pruned, rather than its removal entirely.

J. Ocallaghan
Delivered to Inner West Council

I support this tree removal because, as the application states, the tree is dead, it offers no shade as it has lost its foliage, and it does not provide a habitat for fauna for the same reasons. The removal of this tree will make way for the planting of a healthy tree that will provide shade for years to come

Kitty F
Delivered to Inner West Council

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