72 Healy Road Hamilton Hill WA 6163

Planning Authority
City of Cockburn
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
125 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to City of Cockburn. Add your own comment.

Hi there,

We are deeply concerned about the plans for this development at 72 Healy Rd. These plans have just been put up for display on site.

There are 16 double story homes crammed into this tiny space. It is not consistent with the landscape, the feel of the current neighbourhood, and there looks to be inadequate provision for services.

The homes are not in keeping with the character of the neighbourhood - and there has been no consideration for the impact on the current residents. Is this not something that is required for developments?

The houses on the WEST along the fence line is built over an easement (water access point) and overshadows the north-east of the property beside it. Both of these need to be looked into - 1. doesn't the easement at the very least needs to be accessible for services - so the home should at least not be built over this? And 2. Are there not rules about overshadowing neighbours (privacy and north light)?

Looking at the plans there is no room for visitor / resident parking - which will mean there will be cars parked on the verge on a dangerous bend in the road. Further - there appears to be inadequate pedestrian access to the development - a very narrow 'path' on the west of the entry is not wide enough for wheelchair users or prams and doesn't extend into the development properly. There will be cars coming and going and turning onto a spot already known as being dangerous for pedestrians, road users, and bikes - especially if there are children exiting the development to go to Dixon park. Will there be a crossing provided to allow people to safely exit and enter (especially if vehicles are parked on the verge blocking access)? Where will visitors park?

How will there be safe and suitable waste management? With 16 homes there will be a large amount of waste created - there is no space for bin collection / turning in the development?

The plans create an urban heat sink - there is no space for street trees or landscaping in the development, or between the homes - and it appears there are no 'deep tree root' areas as per the building codes. What is being done about this?

The current 'developers' are also dumping rubbish (concrete, metal scraps, fencing) in the small area of POS to the south-west corner. They have damaged trees in the area and one of them looks like it is struggling a lot. The plans for the adjacent houses also look like they will impact the trees further. What is being done to rectify, protect, and restore the native trees remaining? Will they be landscaping this area with native trees as per their website? What will the City do to help support this space as a refuge for the wildlife displaced by the development? These trees are precious canopy for the birds in the area and must be preserved and maintained.

Leigh & Charlie
Delivered to City of Cockburn

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