12 Todman Avenue, Kensington NSW 2033

Correction to description: Change of use of first floor tenancy to a medical centre with hours of operation 8:00am-6pm Mon-Sunday with occasional out of hours uses, internal fit out works, signage and associated works (Heritage Item).
Planning Authority
Randwick City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
386 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Randwick City Council. Add your own comment.

To Louis Coorey. Thank you for taking my phone call last week. In principal I have no objection for a medical centre in this property. However I believe the heritage of the building needs to be determined by the appropriate government entity. I object to the hours of operation the applicant is asking for. As a resident of Raleigh Park for over 20 years the hours of operation i.e. 8am to 6pm Monday to Sunday with occasional out of hours uses is excessive, most Dr. surgeries are 8.30 to 6pm Monday to Friday. The Heritage building once owned by WD & HO Wills is part of this residential development and the weekend operating hours could be intrusive on the general living standards of Raleigh Park given our outdoor space and parks.
I have some concerns on the heritage of this building with the removal of some heritage "bits" to be stored and the building and the proposed elevator next to a beautiful stairway.
There is an issue with parking, and I am waiting to see a copy of a traffic report the Community Association of Raleigh Park have commissioned.

Carolyn Rowan
Delivered to Randwick City Council

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