The proposal to use double story brick walls will dominate the surroundings and respond negatively to the surrounding context.
The surrounding context is a character where homes are predominantly articulated in facades and massing, and subservient to the streetscape.
The height, scale and massing of the proposal will dominate the surroundings and fail to respond appropriately to the surrounding context.
The limited and zero setbacks forming part of the proposal will also dominate the surroundings and fail to respond appropriately to the surrounding context.
The lack of articulation, rhythm and a variety of materials, textures, colours and finishes in the structures will create unacceptable visual bulk, dominate the surroundings and respond negatively to the surrounding context.
The applicant has not demonstrated external lighting pertinent to the proposal is suitably focused, baffled and shielded to prevent unreasonable amenity impacts upon surrounding sites.
Applicant has not demonstrated the use of low reflectivity external finishes and materials.
The proposal is an overdevelopment of the site.
The proposal fails to respond appropriately to the Penrith Heat Island policies.
The proposal fails to respond appropriately to the relevant Penrith Development Control Plan matters for the site.
The proposal will create overall unreasonable amenity impacts upon surrounding sites.
The proposal will create unacceptable overshadowing impacts at equinox upon surrounding sites.
The proposal provides for insufficient deep soil zones, permeable outdoor areas, landscaped areas, and an insufficient number of native broad canopy trees that are an appropriate response to character and context.
The proposal provides for insufficient information regarding vegetation proposed such as common and botanical names as well as time to maturity and height and canopy sizes.
Proposal on balance is an inappropriate planning outcome and refusal is urged.