I am concerned about the access road which is a crown road with a locked gate at the top. This concerns me as there will be cars shining headlights all night long into our house at the top of this road on reservoir street (currently this only happens very occasionally on a Saturday after a wedding).
The fact that it will take water run off from the golf course and national park and golf balls will be a danger. The golf course should not have to change its business to accomodate.
Isn’t there a historic sandstone carriage way that went from prince Henry hospital to the coast cemetery! I would hate for this history to be lost.
The biggest issue however is that you will now have new dwellings on either side of Cullen driving range this range has significant history in the area and is popular, it’s currently open space but I feel that this development will open the doors for Cullens to be rezoned and sold off which will put terrible pressure on parking in the area and the national park.
I don’t have too much of an issue with the size and scale of the dwellings much better than appartments. But the access and it being sandwiched between the st Michael’s golf course and the driving range smells a bit off.