3/12 Warners Avenue, North Bondi NSW 2026

Remove one (1) Eucalyptus tree located west of courtyard unit 3.
Planning Authority
Waverley Council
Reference number
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
1126 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
2 comments made here on Planning Alerts
on the Waverley Council website

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Waverley Council. Add your own comment.

I hope there is a valid reason to get rid of a healthy tree that provided a home for local creatures. If it is disrupting buildings or pipes it is understandable.
If it is just for cosmetic reasons, that is not enough to warrant the loss of habitat.

Hyacinth Jones
Delivered to Waverley Council

A rash of new tree removal applications have been submitted at the same time and with the same wording. I think they were probably made by the tree loppers who have been touting for business in Waverley.
A qualified Council arborist needs to actually visit and inspect trees for any claimed problems - many of which are made utterly spuriously in order to remove trees. If the claims are true and removal is permitted, Council needs to send arborists to check that the replacement trees have actually been planted and are being cared for. I know from experience replacements are never planted. Or they are later ripped out. Or just left to die.
It is a myth that tree roots invade pipes - unless the pipes are leaking (then that's what needs fixing). It is usually better to trim tree roots rather than removing trees.
Property owners should be directed to research that shows that mature trees can add on average $50,000 to the value of their property - and neighbours' properties often also benefit. The shading effect of trees can also reduce energy bills by up to A$800 or more a year in Sydney. As a recent article about this points out, trees are an important part of green infrastructure which:
improves air quality
provides space for social interaction
manages stormwater
reduces the urban heat island effect
provides space for urban food production
improves biodiversity.
This often also benefits neighbours in the same street, but it also has wider social benefits and adds to the amenity that makes an area desirable.
We are losing far too much habit and shade from private land in Waverley, and this runs completely counter to the Council's putative greening policies.

Ana Sofia Strophe
Delivered to Waverley Council

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