60-68 Carrington Road, Waverley NSW 2024

Removal of three (3) trees.
Planning Authority
Waverley Council
Reference number
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
1206 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
5 comments made here on Planning Alerts
on the Waverley Council website

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Waverley Council. Add your own comment.

What kind of trees and what is the reason ? I hope there is a valid reason for their removal. Trees are the home of our local creatures and birds.

Hyacinth Jones
Delivered to Waverley Council

Innumerable applications have been made to council over the last few weeks for tree removal. There must be some mechanism in place (somewhere) to give council the capacity to reject these applications in order to protect the natural environment which is home to our magnificent bird and mammal population. Every tree matters. These animals suffer the consequences of rampant vegetation removal and it’s apparent. Humans tend to forget that we also suffer the consequences, but we cannot survive without trees.

If the trees must be removed, can you please ensure that they are replaced with native ones?

Gayle Walker
Delivered to Waverley Council

I hereby raise my objection to the application to remove trees. Too many trees being removed to extend or replace houses with apartments. This is not environmentally sustainable and will increase the heat island effect in the area for everyone as well as removing yet more habitat trees for birds and the few native animals that still persist in the area.

T Craven
Delivered to Waverley Council

I AGREE with Hyacinth and T Craven etc. Too many trees being removed from people's properties

Judy Ebner
Delivered to Waverley Council

I agree with the above comments about too many (and what appears to be casual) tree removals, particularly mature trees which take many years to replace. Overall, this wanton removal makes plans to improve local-council green-canopies near impossible. And with increasing heat, urban areas must find natural ways to combat the threat.

John S. Batts
Delivered to Waverley Council

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