23 Kingston Street Oak Flats NSW 2529

PC OC Part - Demolition of Existing Dwellings and Outbuildings, Construction of 7 Dwellings (Multi Dwelling Housing) and Torrens Title Subdivision - CR-2023-69495
Planning Authority
Shellharbour City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
81 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Shellharbour City Council. Add your own comment.

ridiculouly HIGH Density in a built up area. Should allow for several normal single level family homes between such constructions. More is better does not hold true when it comes to presentation (blending with surroundings) community feel is lost (Junk Ghettos of the future.) Builds not suitable for families, elderly and aged and those with disabilities (population is aging and governments and councils need to plan ahead with single Storey disability access and internal build features. The buildings are poor quality, small in size and only suitable for transient workers. No open community spaces, no substantial or notable trees greater than 3 meters. Barren concrete. gardens = plant pots Not gardens. dangerous navigating a vehicle in and about the build. Insufficient parking spaces and those that exist are too small and almost unusable.
No solar power, little or no rainwater tanks (note requirements for normal domestic home) no glazed windows, R rating for insulation too low and not within all wall, ceilings and floors (thus all the air conditioners popping up on these JUNK Units/Townhouses.
Fire safety - no fireproof doors to garage, narrow dangerous non-fireproof steeps, steeps have no emergency lighting in case of fire or blackout,

Just look at the place next door !!!!!!!!!! NO THANKYOU to being a Neighbour or tenant.

Delivered to Shellharbour City Council

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