93 Parkes Street Oak Flats NSW 2529

PC CC - Construction of three townhouses (multi dwelling housing) - CR-2023-51722
Planning Authority
Shellharbour City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Shellharbour City Council. Add your own comment.

development in laymans terms IS HIGH DENSITY. Fror the sized block 3 townhouses are inappropriate. They leave little to no common open space, its all concrete with potted pot plants of little or no impact. Thus TWO townhouses single storey would be ideal when compared to surrounding FAMILY type home and not robbish little units/townhouses made of ticky-tacky (if 3 total cost $300 including land sales $800k)
None have compliance with disability, aged and family access. (see 32 Mulan Road as of poor access.
There are no fire exits nor fire proof walls stairs. (if fire occurs you'd need to jump from 1st floor. the connecting doors between garage and living area - no fire doors, Tenants commonly use garages as storage as the living areas too small, storage areas too small, garages too small for RV 's and even in rare event they are big enough its near impossible to park. Driveways are narrow and create tenant pedestrian dangers as well as vehicle movement difficulty.
The street has no curb parking allowance so temporary parking on the street should be for very short visits.(drop-off-pick up)
The no. of spaces for tenants and visitors are too few. Should be 2 for 2/3 bedroom plus 1 visitors space (designated to be used by visitors only) . 1bedroom 2 spaces and 1 visitors space,
Front unit/townhouse should not impinge on street line or scape. A straight line connecting to front of houses in the street or the best line of sight.
The facts mentioned above are but a few of building design that should have been taken into account. These are JUNK townhouses. only suitable for single transience
which does not create a communiy or feel, nor provide pride about their units appears.

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