60-62 Macleay Street, Turner, ACT

AMENDMENT TO DA202341755 - S144B PROPOSAL FOR MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND LEASE VARIATION. Amendment to development application for demolition of the existing two dwellings on block 23 and 24 and the construction of residential development consists of 11 units, basement car parking, tree removal and associated works, and lease variation - the amendment is to update planter, accessible path of travel, bike parking, highlight window, skylight notation to upper-level , privacy screening to unit 1 and unit 6, screen/trellis and planting to southern boundary, opaque glazing provision for over-looking prevention, waste drawing updates, wayfinding signage update, permeable surface update, additional tree, façade articulation updated, PPOS of adjacent sites noted, neighbour living room extension included, solar diagrams updated, rear zone and site coverage clarified, planting bed opening/cut to driveway, sight distances, minimum sight lines and for pedestrian safety.
Planning Authority
ACT Planning & Land Authority
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 1 year ago. The date it was received by them was not recorded.
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