27 Nairana Rest Noosa Heads QLD 4567

Change from 4 x 60 Days to SSL
Planning Authority
Noosa Shire Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
260 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
7 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Noosa Shire Council. Add your own comment.

It would be incredibly disappointing for 27 Nairana Rest to have the property's status changed from restricted short term accomodation (up to 60 days) to permanent short term accomodation. Nairana Rest is a beautiful street that should be a neighbourhood full of permanent residents. The houses are large enough for permanent rental to families or as shared accomodation and are within walking or cycling distance of schools at Sunshine Beach.

Instead Nairana Rest and The Quarterdeck (parallel) have far too many short term holiday properties meaning the area is devoid of a permanent community. Refusing this application may see one more property available to the long term rental market, something we desperately need.

Thank you for your consideration.

Trish Radge
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council

The fabric of Noosa Hill is being eroded by the excessive number of SSL properties already in place. Nairana Rest is densely populated by SSL which invariably stand vacant in all but weekends and peak periods. The continual removal of owner / long term rental resident occupied dwellings from the housing pool is hollowing out Noosa.

Council should seek to influence property owners investment and asset utilisation though restricting full SSL approvals. Refusal of this application (and those like it) to increase the current 60 days to full SSL would be a significant financial incentive for the owner of properties to return these properties to the permanent rental pool.

Rest has far too many SSL

Steve Sparks
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council

Roberta Gordon

Having lived here around the corner from 27 Nairana Rest for 21years I have experienced the loss of neighbourhood and friends gradually in Nairana Rest which I walk and cycle along regularly.
Just in the lower section there are eight SSL.
I agree completely with Trish Radge and Steve Spark's comments.

Roberta Gordon
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council

I completed agree with all the previous comments from Trish, Steve and Roberta.
Council should also be mindful that this address is zoned ‘Low Density Residential’
SSL is incompatible with this zoning.

Jan Jimenez
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council

I live in Nairana Rest and it’s terrible to see so many residential houses used for short term lettings in this lower section of the street. Clearly council needs to go back to the drawing board and define domestic/tourist zones, surely there is a common sense calculation that alerts council that 8 yes EIGHT houses in 100 mt section of a street is too many.

Leanne D
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council

This decision by council is incredibly disappointing. I agree with all the comments made so far, This approval makes a mockery of assurances given to me by both staffers and councillors that there would be no further approvals of SSL in low density residential areas. The Noosa we knew and loved is being eroded by greed and over tourism and I implore Noosa Council to reconsider the approval of any further SSL.

Delivered to Noosa Shire Council

It is widely documented across the state, the country & the world, how STAs are destroying residential amenity, communities, & businesses. It is both shocking and incredibly dissapointing Noosa Coucil, who assured residents no more STAs in low density would be approved.

Natasha Fabulic
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council

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