How can such an application be considered for 414 apartments? The neighbouring streets and roads around this property are absolutely deteriorated and as we have seen in the last five years, the streets around here are now regularly being flooded for weeks on end. How do they expect to add all these apartments in a high flood prone area. Also what will it do to traffic already built up in the area by tourists. I am not against development but the bulk and scale of this development will not work in this area. The problems and long term issues will be astronomical. 414 apartments are unsustainable here.
9 The Entrance Road, The Entrance, NSW
- Description
- Mixed use development consisting of 11 retail tenancies, gymnasium & 414 residential units (RPP) (Nominated Integrated)
- Planning Authority
Central Coast Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 147 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 9 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Central Coast Council. Add your own comment.
Ok how the hell will the roads cope with such extra traffic when it can’t cope now.
The height is definitely going to effect sunlight to surrounding buildings and views for others.
Shops space is useless as we can’t fill the ones in the street already
Another empty eye saw
414 residential units is way to many for this area , I love the idea of something happening with this site but not something that is so over developed , parking is already tight in the area and needs to be strongly addressed with any development on this site or any others in the area
This proposed project will affect the privacy of the units in Number 1 Tuggerah parade. 414 units are an overkill for this quiet lakeside area. The idea of development is great but should be of a density proportionate to the area. A smaller scale with retail would be better.
Whilst I overall support the development of the area, I am concerned about the following issues that need to be addressed:
Road infrastructure: The plans indicate that there are 169 retail shop car spaces and 386 residential car spaces. There are two entrances to the car park - one on the corner Oakland Ave and Bent St and the other via Clifford St off Tuggerah Pde. To access these parking entrances, you have the following issues:
1. cnr of Oakland Ave and Coral St is already difficult to enter / exit into Oakland Ave - thus, the council will need to either put in a set of traffic lights or a proper round about.
2. Oakland Ave between Coral St and The Entrance Rd is constantly requiring pothole Maintenace. This has been an ongoing problem for years. The Council must completely rebuild this segment of the road - especially given the trucks that will be used to supply the retail shops and remove the retail waste will use this segment of road.
3. cnr Tuggerah Pde and Manning Rd constantly floods during rain. The Council needs to raise the level of Tuggerah Pde - else when if floods, the traffic will simply be diverted back to Oakland Ave (refer to the issues above).
Building A (noting that I have a residence within the Riviera Apartments).
1. Retail Shop entrance: If I am reading the plans correctly, there is 9000 between building A and the boundary boarding Riviera. Along this 9000 is one of the 3 retail shop entrances. We are concerned about the impact the foot traffic will have on the residents of the Riviera apartments who live on that boundary line. We would request that this particular retail shop entrance be removed or limited to be only a fire exit (ie never in use except for an emergency).
2.Riviera privacy:
(a) Riviera pool: Building A has windows along the boundary boarding Riviera pool, meaning that residents of Building A can watch the activities in the Riveria pool - negatively impacting the Riviera resident's privacy.
(b) Riviera Rooftop Terrace: Building A is approx 4 floors higher than the Riviera apartments. Building A has windows along the boundary boarding Riviera meaning that residents of Building A can watch the activities in the Riveria rooftop terraces - negatively impacting the Riviera resident's privacy.
We request that the Building A windows along the boundary boarding Riviera be removed to ensure that the privacy of the Riveria residents be maintained.
I am keen to improve the entrance however this is too many units and retail shops for the site. The building will overshadow the pool area of riviera, the building to the west of the site. The windows along the western side of the proposal should have permanent privacy screens to shield the privacy of the adjacent pool and rooftop areas. Ideally there would not be westerly facing windows at all. The new building should be the same height as riviera.
The street parallel to the entrance rd , manning rd regularly floods. Having storm water runnoff plans / sumps for the increased hard surfaces to prevent worse flooding of adjacent streets and garages is essential for this development proposal.
The traffic should be kept away from the entrance road and tuggerah pde as they have a lot of pedestrian traffic This area is important to keep for pedestrian traffic including children who use the park and fishing access. The carpark access should be from manning rd.
More retail shops that are empty will be an eyesore and a risk for vandalism. Retail spaces in the main street of the entrance are empty and cannot be filled. Careful planning of the use of the new retail areas should occur to ensure they are attractive with out door eateries undercover with methods in place to contain noise associated for existing residents.
With the housing shortages ideally there should be inclusion of long term rental housing at reduced rental for essential workers and increased public transport links. Ideally the area would benefit from Re instigation of entertainment such as a cinema in the proposal.
I strongly object to this application for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the impact it will have on surrounding properties. The height and scale of this proposal is not fitting to the location suggested. It would create a barrier between the lake area and all other residences in close proximity, blocking not only sunlight but also views available to numerous locations in the area.
Traffic would be a constant issue with all local properties already under strain, this would be multiplied 10 fold with the addition of so many units and retail space. Priority should be given to developing the town centre and filling the vacant spaces currently there before building something of this magnitude. We do not want the town to become a high rise community ruining the views and feel of the area.
This project seems far too big to me, first more than 400 units, what kind of people are we trying to bring here? Why not cut that down to 100 luxurious units which already seems like a lot to me. 11 shops is not a smart choice when half The Entrance center is empty and for rent. Traffic in the bypass can already be busy, how is this will be manageable with this amount of people considering at least 2 cars per household. The ground is fragile because of the floods, its wet, digging into it to build carparks is only going to make it worse with a good chance of those carpark flooding easily. All I see is a quiet area which is enjoyable to all people and family all year around turned into a chaotic city like area. Tonnes of more waste and rubbish probably ending up in the lake as most people do not respect the environment, wildlife will have to move away too. High rise buildings arent a good choices for this area it will block all sun for all people living on Manning road, it will also bring a large amount of noise. Council will have to invest a lot of money to accomodate this amount of people, will have to fix every roads around and build extra lanes to ease traffic. The grandeur of this project should be reduced to something more realistic bringing better people around, more wealthy people so they can bring more value to The Entrance.
I think it's a great development not too many levels.. and can change the demographics of the Area..don't think retail is needed.. As too many empty shops at the entrance..
Lakeside plaza development never happened.. will see if this is another dead project...