22 Chaucer Crescent, Canterbury VIC 3126

(Secondary Consent) Permit Allows: Demolition and construction of buildings and works within a Heritage Overlay
Planning Authority
Boroondara City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
454 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Boroondara City Council. Add your own comment.

No demolition should be permitted of any heritage material

In the words of the selling agent

Steeped in history and tradition while also offering exceptional standards of contemporary living, Heyford is a remarkable estate spread across 3089sqm (approx) of exquisite gardens, with an outdoor entertaining sanctuary, swimming pool, guest house, floodlit north-south mod grass tennis court and even a vineyard.
Positioned in Canterbury's most prestigious pocket within a stroll of Maling Road Village, it has long been admired as a residence of great stature and importance. Designed by architect Herbert Black in 1908 for wealthy businessman Louis Cooper and elevated across three lots of the exclusive Griffin Estate, today Heyford is a beautifully preserved and expertly renovated family home of impeccable quality with five bedroom, four bathroom accommodation.

Nick Watson
Delivered to Boroondara City Council

To lose this outstanding property would be a tragedy for Boroondara. If this is allowed to happen, the council should be ashamed of themselves.

Louise Marett
Delivered to Boroondara City Council

We bought into Boroondara because of the heritage homes and established gardens.
It is tragic how the landscape has changed, to be replaced by identical “French Provincial look alike’s” that take up the whole blocks with little or trees.
This is a beautiful home and should be preserved for future generations to admire.
The council needs to act now and at least try to retain what heritage homes remain.

Jo Lucey
Delivered to Boroondara City Council

Heritage overlay should simply mean “this property, including the established garden cannot be demolished “.
Time for Boroondara Council to step up and ensure that these properties are saved.
So many of our significant historic properties have been lost already, not to mention the enormous negative environmental impact by creating hundreds of tons of trash, loss of established trees and gardens, to create cement box-like flats or McMansions that do not fit the character of the street.
We bought here because of its beauty, period character and green canopy at a time when Camberwell Council valued thus; Boroondara is not protecting the neighbourhood from destruction and should be. They have a responsibility to all residents, the history and future of our neighbourhoods and the environment.
If folks want to build new, go and live in a new suburb.

Bridget Larkin
Delivered to Boroondara City Council

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