42 Mamre Road, St Marys NSW 2760

Section 4.55(1A) Modification to REV22/0005 a Multi Dwelling Housing involving to Relocate the Existing Canary Island Date Palm and Retention of the Existing Power Pole
Planning Authority
Penrith City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
148 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Penrith City Council. Add your own comment.

The canary island date palm should be able to be removed should the applicant seek its removal. I urge Council to expedite the granting of such a permit in the event it is sought by the Applicant.

The canary island date palms of Greater Western Sydney are frequently inhabited and used as a food source by the white ibis bird, though they are not native plants.

Inhabitation, roosting and breeding of the white ibis bird will adversely impact the health, hygiene and amentity of the proposed site and surrounds including public realm, through offensive odour, noise, and deposition of bird faeces upon the surroundings generally.

I would urge Council and the Applicant to collaborate with a view to removing the canary island date palm and arranging replacement with suitable native trees, of an advanced state eg minimum height exceeding 1.2 metres, whose height exceeds 8.5 metres at maturity and whose canopy sizes exceeds 16 sq metres.

Shauna Wilson
Delivered to Penrith City Council

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