68 OConnell Street, Kingswood NSW 2747

Demolition, tree removal, relocation of car parking spaces, subdivision, new road construction and construction of a staged Mixed Use Development comprising 4 retail premises and 564 residential apartments within 19 buildings.
Planning Authority
Penrith City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
162 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
2 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Penrith City Council. Add your own comment.

For a $284 million development, shouldn't you providing some more information? We have no idea of height of buildings, size of apartments, size of retail, parking, accessibility for disability residents and visitors, who is doing the development, when, and what the aesthetics, landscaping, and green and clean environmental effects are.

So I guess the only thing I can say is, don't approve it. If you know more than us, then please share! If you do not know more than us, then you cannot possibly approve!.

Are these being build for student accommodation needs, low income housing, NRAS, essential personal, or general housing?

To adequately cater for 564 apartments, what additional transport and education infrastructure has been planned? All of the local schools are full to overflowing.
What new public schools and OOSH / childcare facilities are on the agenda before more housing is pumped through the rubberstamping department?

Sonia Myers
Delivered to Penrith City Council

To Sonya Myers
This development application was logded with the council on 24 March 2023 and so far the council has not download the documents for this development on the DA tracking site. To find out further information please go to the council site; https://datracker.penrithcity.nsw.gov.au/track/ the development applications are DA23/0227 and DA23/0229
It will be interesting to see what is proposed.

Wendy Spinks
Delivered to Penrith City Council

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