679 B Pacific Highway, Boambee East NSW 2452

Subdivision: • Stage 1: 70 residential lots, comprising 63 Torrens Title lots and 7 Community Title housing lots with one additional lot for a fire trail and a residue lot to be dedicated to Council plus demolition of two dwellings. • Stage 2: is for ‘concept approval’ for 70 dwellings, one dwelling on each allotment.
Planning Authority
Coffs Harbour City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
49 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
3 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Coffs Harbour City Council. Add your own comment.

I object to this development because of the numerous issues raised about this development application in the objection document by Boambee East Community Centre in its document here:

In particular, I am concerned about the proposed access road from Bruce King Drive which would traverse existing community land and impact significantly on the safety and enjoyment of the land surrounding the community garden and community centre for:
- visitors to the community centre who participate in the community programs that are facilitated both within the centre and on the grounds surrounding the centre, including a number of programs for those experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage, children's play groups, and baby health;
- visitors to and gardeners working in the community garden;
- the large numbers of community members who attend the Boambee East Community Centre's Annual Winter Solstice Festival;
- families and children using the swings located near the community garden or the open areas to ride their bikes or play outdoor games; and
- community members using the public reserve area to exercise and to walk their dogs, particularly those who prefer to exercise their dogs off lead in the area.

I am also against this proposed development because the proposed access road from Bruce King Drive would include the clearing of nearly 4,600m2 of native
vegetation, including:
- 3,000m2 of Prime Koala Habitat;
- threatened ecological communities; and
- several specifies identified as being at risk of serious and irreversible impact, including the endangered Floyd's Grass and the Black grass-dart butterfly, which occur only on the NSW mid north coast from Coffs Harbour to Scotts Head.

I have concerns about the legality of building the access road to Bruce King Drive through community land and I have significant concerns about the willingness of the development's proponents to comply with legislated requirements.

As the proponent has failed to address so many areas required by legislation to be included in such a submission, it begs the question: is the proponent incompetent or is the abundance of missing information a deliberate act of omission. If it's the latter, it raises questions about the proponent's willingness to comply with any conditions imposed if approval is given.

Penny Davidson
Delivered to Coffs Harbour City Council

I object to this development because of the numerous issues raised about this development application in the objection document by Boambee East Community Centre in its document here:

I also object to this development because if the points raised by Penny Davidson in her comment, relating to changing the land use from Community for the access road, and particularly the evident omission of important information in the application. I am also greatly concerned that the developers are Sydney based and the profits will not remain in the Coffs Harbour area. I am concerned that the applicant Richard Benell has previously worked as a town planner for Coffs City Council and is still called in under contract to work for them. This is a conflict of interest that has not been disclosed. There is an evident history of previous Coffs Council employees being granted permission for DAs "easily". I am concerned that the plots are very small and the housing will be crowded. I am concerned that a community title is included in the development. I am concerned about this for a number of reasons. Firstly, the Community Title is used to maintain the fire trail. Community fees paid by the residents cover admin fees for a management company, and insurance fees for communal areas. One of the blocks will be attached to a Biodiverity site and will be responsible for upkeep of the protected bush which will be negotiated with NSW govt for koala habitat protection. In previous developments like this the block with the biodiversity attached has been treated like a semi rural block, and have not had access to storm water drainage and a fire hydrant. There are complications with removal of dangerous trees with NSW Biodiversity and Coffs Council both having to approve tree removal, and both having different requirements and policies. In previous developments trees have been kept along the fenceline of neighbouring residential properties and cause problems with root systems and danger of falling branches and trees. The owner of the biodiversity is left with this liability, despite being forced to keep the trees.
I am greatly concerned that this development will be rushed through with a sub quality application and poor infrastructure.
No community consultation was held, despite Rick Benell being instructed by Coffs Council to hold community consultation. Apparently Rick Benell's word that he held community consultation is enough. No documentation was required. When a Council operates in this way with a previous employee there are many concerns.

Jo Coaldrake
Delivered to Coffs Harbour City Council

Dear Ms Davidson & Mr Coaldrake,

Thank you for your attention regarding this issue. While I would love to see more homes available for the community, I don't believe the benefit outweighs the cost in this instance. The concerns listed above are also concerns of mine.

Community spaces are invaluable, particularly in these increasingly modern and socially isolating times. Instead I would like to see more community development such as a playground and barbecue area. Coffs and surroundings are very low on play areas for children and families. Having lived some years in Dubbo I am very surprised by the lack of such facilities in here. The Boambee, Sawtell, Toormina region is particularly bereft.

Kind regards,
Meagan and family

Meagan Brennan
Delivered to Coffs Harbour City Council

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