302 Old Cleveland Road East, Birkdale QLD 4159

Willard's Farm Restoration
Planning Authority
Redland City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
69 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Redland City Council. Add your own comment.

This application has come as a surprise. Willard Homestead is State Government Heritage listed and as such, surely no Tom, Dick or Harry is eligible to be involved in restoring a home built in mid-1800s, without being qualified for this particular kind of work. In Brisbane, there are few with ability to restore dwellings of yesteryear. Activists within RCC have been anxious to see Willard Homestead demolished so in my view, its a miracle that its been saved with funds made available for restoration purposes...if wisely used. The Birkdale land is precious, surrounded by a concrete jungle and road pollution....the only place left in Capalaba/Birkdale area where, if permitted, present and future generations can appreciate the natural environment enhanced to way it was during time of first European settlement with historical values to pass on to citizens of all ages....

Amy E Glade
Delivered to Redland City Council

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