I can unequivocally state that 4 garages with headlights and noises during the mornings and evenings will be excessive to the direct neighbours the current trees on the property some are natives , the fact that the sewer pit at the rear of the of 15 Allfield road has been accessed by council at least 3 times in 3 years for major blockage which has caused vermin as well as putrid stench in large areas that these neighbours in Allfield road is concerning because residences will exacerbate the amounts of sewerage into the sewer main at rear causing the pump out station near the high school to fail or block. As direct neibours we have invested in brand new colorbond fences which do not have any damage whatsoever and this integrity must be maintained during construction, building works noise must be maintained to standard as must dust and the asbestos removal from the garage shed done correctly and within health guidelines, the garage currently has zero gutter but roof tile could easily fall over our adjoining boundary fence damaging it and the privacy further, I have 3 bedrooms facing the garages thus creating light pollution for my family, at front adjoining boundary fence is built from brick and does not have any cracks from subsidence I would expect this to be maintained and the colorbond fence would be suited to be added to the top of the brick wall to give privacy to master bedroom from all vehicle lights . Finally the noise of these vehicles which could be minor or huge will cause noise to my home at Allfield road woy woy and I make a request in Ernest for double glazing to these side bedroom windows as well as noise proofing to my ceiling areas so my way of life and my new neighbours does not clash. I am making these points because the size of the building is outside scope and council planning as I have read in planning article advertised. Finally placing 4 two story townhomes would be squeezing that block and causing overflow parking and hardly any outdoor area would turn the driveway into one so while I do not oppose the idea of building or improving on the land it must be respectful of immediate neibours in Allfield rd Woy Woy 2256. We have invested many 100s of thousands into renovating a beautiful home in a wonderful suburb I respectfully request all our points be given very close attention. Regards mr mrs A & K .
15 Allfield Road, Woy Woy, NSW
- Description
- Multi Dwelling Housing consisting of 4 Town Houses
- Planning Authority
Central Coast Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 182 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 1 comment made here on Planning Alerts
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