this property backs onto mine.
The shadowing from the last unit, will be dramatic compared to the existing situation.
The proximity to the rear boundary is insufficient to reduce noise to our rear patio.
The rear windows would impose greatly on our privacy
Thus, setback from the rear boundary should be extended to 5 meters not 900mm, allowing for greening against retaining wall and the last unit.
The rear 5+ meters formed part of a native corridor/green belt (promoted by previous councils), that ran the length of the street. Previous owners had removed the trees so they could easily sell the land to developers (illegal poisoning)
The street is not designed to have 3 units, it is narrow with no markings or allowance for offset parking. Two units would be more appropriate for the area.
There are no concreted footpaths.
The first unit facing the street should have the SAME SETBACK as existing building that line the street. NO PATIO AT FRONT SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO BE INTRUDING INTO THIS SETBACK) Anything different would be out of character and ruin the street scape.
Fences either side should be 1200mm level in line with adjoining buildings and EQUAL TO THEIR SETBACK,
Native trees like those already growing on the footpath should be mandatory.
Buildings should match the street scape. NONE of this "modernism" JUNK UNIT - LEGO LAND colour scheme. Simple research street scape can deliver good results.
As for the actual units, tiny, cheap, no wall insulation, no 5000litre water tanks like normal houses require, no solar panels, no double glazing, no sky lights, NOT SUITABLE FOR SENIORS, THOSE WITH DISABILITIES OR THOSE WITH CHILDREN. (Possibly allow third unit if they are certified for disability accommodation.
Driveways too narrow.
Garages too small for current vehicles.
Insufficient parking for tenants Parking space of 2 for every 2- and 3-bedroom unit.
VISITORS ONLY parking - One space less than number of units - THUS FURTHER SUPPORT FOR ONLY TWO UNITS.
No public/communal space available
6 Eleanor Avenue Oak Flats NSW 2529
- Description
- Demolition of existing dwelling and ancillary structures and construction of three townhouses (multi dwelling housing)
- Planning Authority
Shellharbour City Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 85 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 1 comment made here on Planning Alerts
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