Re: Modification to DA0339/16 proposing to remove two trees (Trees 61 and 62
I am writing to voice my objection to the proposed removal of trees 61 and 62 at 133A Livingstone avenue Pymble.
Removal of the subject trees was already refused at previous DA submission, and should not now be permitted via an amendment, for reasons purely of the convenience of the construction.
The removal of these two established trees for a driveway is unnecessary when there is ample room to accommodate them. Replacement “with shrubs” as per the proposal is insufficient. The established tree canopy in the Ku Ring Gai area must be protected, and directly impacts the local bird and native mammal populations. A large number of mature trees have already been removed from this site.
I would further like to raise concerns about how the removal of these trees affects the shade and privacy of adjoining properties, and the risk for ground subsidence following the removal of their large root systems. No information has been provided about the impact of their removal at all.
I ask that the proposed amendment to DA0339/16 be refused by council.
Kind regards,
Dr Lauren Nguyen
133 Livingstone avenue Pymble NSW 2073